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June 19, 2016


"She's fine she's sleeping," Shawn said over the phone to Nicki. It had only been about ten minutes since he spoke to her. She made it clear that he needed to check on her.

Beyoncé was sleeping peacefully on the living room couch. The TV was running so he was sure she had been watching it before she dozed off.

She was curled comfortably in a ball hugging a pillow. He also saw a glass of water sitting on the coffee table next to her pill bottle so he knew she took her medicine. Like she was suppose to.

"She didn't hurt herself did she?" Nicki asked.

"No. What makes you think she would do that?" Shawn asked a little worried picking up the pill bottle. It was a nice amount left so he knew she didn't over take anything.

"Is she okay?" Nicki asked again. She didn't think now would be the best time to talk about what happened. She Never would actually because she wouldn't be telling her friend's business to anybody.

"Yes I told you she is but why would you think-"

"Okay tell her to call me when she wakes up." Nicki interrupted and hung up.

"Rude ass." Shawn mumbled before walking off to his room.

June 20, 2016

"Good morning," he said speaking to Beyoncé but she ignored him. Shawn sighed because all he wanted to do was apologize for the way he treated her.

"I said good Morning." He said again. She look at him blankly before rolling her eyes and walking away while he followed. She had no reason to talk to him.

"Beyoncé it would be nice if you would be nice." Beyoncé stopped walking, whipped her head around and looked at him. She smile and nodded her head in an understanding movement. He was a little shocked at her reaction but he smiled back.

As soon as she saw him smiling she smiled even more and slowly brung her hand up. She put her fingers down except her middle finger and change her expression to a hard one letting him know fuck being nice.

She walked off and he watched her. There was nothing he could say right now to change her mind. He yelled at her and change up when all she was trying to do was be nice.

He knew her feelings were hurt and that's why she was acting like this. Honestly he had no right to do her like that no matter how he felt.

"Well damn," he sighed thinking about what he could do.

He didn't really have anything in mind. When Alexus would get mad with him he didn't care. More so because she had no reason to be made at him.

However, Beyoncé was mad at him and if truth be told he didn't know if he could handle it. It didn't matter if it was a big deal or not he wanted to fix it.

He was going to get back into her good graces. He didn't know how but what he did know is that he would.



Beyoncé stayed in her room majority of the day. She didn't talk she didn't answer her phone and she sure as hell wasn't going out today.

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