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June 1, 2016

Shawn looked down at his phone and sighed. He was tired of people trying to contact him. However, it pissed him off more this time because the ringing of his phone woke him up from his peaceful sleep.

"WHAT?" He yelled into the phone with his eyes still closed.

"Don't what me son. It's obvious you didn't read the caller ID so I'll refrain from whooping your ass." Hearing his mothers voice his eyes opened quickly.

"I'm sorry mom. I thought you were- somebody else." He sighed.

"Well I'm not but you've been treating me like it because this is the first time you've actually answered my call in three days." His mother announced.

"I know mom and I would say I'm sorry but we both know I wouldn't mean it." He said because it was true. He had no reason to pretend anymore.

"Shawn what happened? One minute you're about say 'I do' and the next you're walking out saying 'I can't'" his mother asked.

"I really don't feel like talking about it." He huffed.

"I don't give a damn! Do you know how you have this family looking? You are the face of Carter Enterprise. Things like this hurt us you fool!" He couldn't understand why his mother always put in effort to make him feel low. He never had a close relationship with her and she always made him not want to pursue one either.

"Mom I-"

"Until you fix this mess it's Ms. Carter to you!" She said hanging up. He briefly looked at his phone and wonder what happened.

He couldn't understand why he always had to endure the back lash. Nobody had ever stoped to see if he was okay.

As long as he could remember his family never showed interest in him except his father. His father loved him unconditionally and always made sure he was doing what he loved. He groomed him for success and a when his mother didn't show him love, his father made sure Shawn received twice as much from him.

He missed his father dearly. That was his only hope when it came to support and love now. He never had the best relationship with his mother and he didn't know why. Of course he loves Gloria but the love just wasn't reciprocated from her end. She was a person who truly wasn't the mothering type at least when it came to Shawn her oldest. She always had a problem with him more so because Carter Sr. Spent more time with Shawn than the rest of her kids.

Gloria Would always show her dislike for him and he didn't understand why. He always tried more when it came to his mother but it always seemed as if his best wasn't good enough. He shook his head at thought and reminded himself why he was in the Bahamas in the first place.

"I have every right!" He mumble to himself. He was here and he was going to make the best of it. He turned his phone off and made a mental note to get another one while he was here just incase there was an emergency he would give the number to Meek.

Shawn finally relaxed as much as possible and soon he was drifting right back to sleep.


"Three days, three fucking day." Beyoncé mumbled. She couldn't believe that she had to wait three days before she could leave. They had shut down the airport so no flights could leave and none could come in.

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