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June 16, 2016

9:32 P.M.

Dear Diary

14 fucking days! It's been 14 fucking days since Corey talked to me and I feel like shit. I know when I decided to stay the plan was that he would stay out of my way but now I don't think I want him to. Ever since I stopped him from kissing me he hasn't said anything. I don't even get a chance to see him anymore. He leaves before I wake up and comes back when I'm sleep. I pushed him away and he fell back literally. I'm honestly starting to have second thoughts. I thought that maybe if we weren't around each other it wouldn't be a problem but it is. Every since he kissed me and I felt the feel of his dick rise. I've been having dreams. Not nightmares like I would normally have with Charles or my student but dreams of him actually fucking me. They won't stop either I wake up sweating because it's almost as if he's given my body a workout that it's never had. It's gotten to the point where my toys haven't been doing the trick. I can't tell Nicki because she'll probably just tell me to fuck him and get it over with. I don't know what is wrong with me! Why can't I just relax and let it flow? I'm so scared, what if he turns out to be just like Charles. Although so far he has kept his promises. I just don't want any trouble.



Beyoncé clothed her Journal and cried. She was just so confused. The storm had come and gone. There weren't any hard feeling on her part yet and still she felt the hurt. She was hurt that things were so closed off. She had no reason to be hurt but she didn't know him that well.

She was more frustrated than sad. Sexual frustration was something else. She hated that fact that she wasn't still married because then she could sit on Charles dick but then she felt disgusted even thinking that. Maybe that was the problem . She needed dick. A real dick and not a toy. Beyoncé, looked around the dark room.

Tomorrow she would change, tomorrow she would get what she wanted.
June 17, 2016

9:45 A.M.


Shawn cursed under his breath when he saw the time on the Clock. He forgot to set his alarm. Now he would have to face Beyoncé something he wasn't willing to do. He didn't necessarily know what time she woke and began her day but what he did know is he hadn't seen her in fourteen days. It was his way of not pushing her to do anything. He promised her he would stay out of her way so he was going keep his promise. He realized that things had went to far. He was there for a reason and he was going back to focus on that first before he did anything.

Slowly removing the sheets he began to stretch his body when he was fully uncovered. He listened carefully trying to depict any movement. He heard none so either she was sleep or she had started her day.

"Great," he said dryly hearing the special ringtone he had for his mother. He slide the bar over to answer the call but didn't mumble a word until she spoke.

"Shawn I know you're there." His mother said.

"Mom," He mumbled.

"Don't even, your brother has been calling you! Alexus too which mean you still haven't fixed this shit!"

"I didn't have to answer you either but I did" Shawn spoke angrily.

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