A Family?

339 13 5

<<<<<<1 week timeskip>>>>>>

'Mmmmphf....where am I?'

'Why is it so dark?' I think to myself as I slowly began to regain my senses. First thing to come back was my hearing, so that faint but still annoying Beep Beep Beep sound of a heart monitor rings and echoes to my left. Next was touch, I could easily feel the rough texture of a knitted blanket covering me and sheets underneath. 'What the?'

I slowly open my eyes fully but squinted due to the bright luminescent lights above me, though i manage to raise my arm to shield my eyes. Slowly sitting up I let my eyes adjust before taking a look around.

'Im in a hospital..? When did I-' "Oh my! Your awake!" A woman who came in the door with a clipboard to her chest squeaks before rushing out. I tilt my head some in confusion with a raised brow before I hear a large commotion outside and faint growls and yells till a distinct feminine voice with a sharp edge to it yelled again "Outta my way! That is my daughter and I will see her now! It's been nothing but silent for the past week! So unless you want me to rip you to pieces I suggest you move!"

The woman's voice was startling. Powerful in a way that could scare even snake-man. Maybe...

The door busts open and a couple nurses stumble backwards making me wince at all the noise. Barking from dogs and more yelling till the nurses frightfully went out but another girl comes in calmly as if it happens everyday.

My eyes widen at their resemblance. Obviously related but the facial features, hair color and the eyes. But the younger had less pointed eyes unlike the eldest, who's eyes were sharp and feral almost. Four dogs sat protectively at the door while a yipping from a pup in the arms of the nicer woman, whom she recognized as the little pup she found and named Akamori.

'Why are these guys here?' I wonder to myself before asking aloud my curiosity "who are you guys?"

They both look at each other before Akamori jumped from the woman's arms and onto the bed. Curling up on my lap, obviously content with being by me. The older of the two strangers tried to speak as her angered expression softens some, but the youngest speaks first.

"I'm Hana Inuzuka....and this is Tsume Inuzuka-" I nod mentally praising myself for guessing their relativity.

My thoughts are disrupted as the elder woman, Tsume,  stepped forward "Do you recognize either of us? Our scents? Anything?" She asked and I shook my head the scent part startling me a bit but my instinct made me sniff the air. Their scents were familiar, but how? I've never met these two ever before until now?

"Your scents...I recognize them but I've met either of you. Who are you, really?" I say tensing some. They were hiding something and I know it. "Do you know who I am...?" i ask becoming excited that I may be close to going Home. "Do you know where I'm from?! Tell me! I want my family back!" I say in a sudden outburst of anger. The two looked startled for a split second before relaxing a small smile on both their faces. Tsume leaned forward and in a split moment I was engulfed in a hug "wha-!" "Oh my baby...your home. Truly home. Haruka my baby girl..." She said seeming wanting to cry but wouldn't, probably from pride or reputation, maybe both.

'Wait....Haruka? Is that...me? Are these two my family?' "Momma..?" In a flash of light I gasp lightly. A moment of flashing images fly through my head and seem to burn in my retinas. A woman, whom is instantly recognize as Tsume but a little younger by a few years, stands in front of my eyesight. A younger Hana smiling beside her.

Their mouths move as they speak but its muffled, but I know they are my Mother and older sister. Its a fuzzy memory and doesnt last long but it was enough to get me crying and sniffling like a baby. I now knew my name and got my family back, no more fear or running...

"Momma! Hana!" I start hugging them both as the dogs by the door wag their tails but stay where they are. One of them with an eyepatch speaks "Its good to have you back Haruka. We all have been distraught over your disappearance, your brother will be most happy to see you awake and meet you as well"

"Brother?" I say confused, not really bothered by the fact the canine spoke. Both Tsume and Hana nod but Hana waves a dismissive hand.

"We will get to that soon enough. First lets get you home and settled in." She grabs some clothes from a chair and hands them to me "these may be a bit baggy, but I figured they would be better than those old rags you were wearing when you got here." I nod quickly changing at a breakneck speed, obviously eager to see my new and old home. It was a simple style, the clothes, just a blue shirt and some shorts.

"You seem to have made a bond with this pup here, so we shouldn't have worry about getting your ninken" Tsume commented while watching the red pup "His name is Akamori. I found him abandoned in an old badger den." I tell her coming out from the bathroom. I had looked in the mirror and realized I was a bit more full than last I checked, I quickly decided to shrug it off and ask later.

"Good enough. With a bit of training he should be good and ready for the ninja academy." She had said, rubbing the pups head, earning a playful bark from Akamori.

I giggle and pick him up, placing him on my head where he sat perfectly. Hana spoke up saying "Kiba does that. I don't understand why" "Who is Kiba?" I must've said aloud because both women look at me confused before realizing again "He's your brother. Twin brother in fact. He is still in school and wont be out for a while, term just started so there is still time for you to join if you want." Hana explained with a small smile. I perked up a bit and stood straighter nodding wildly. I had wanted to go to school and learn stuff but Kabuto wouldn't let me. But I always snuck in every now and again for a peek. Thats how I learned to even read in the slightest, as the Sensei there noticed me and took some of his own time to teach me the basics. I was still slow though and thats all I learned before the sensei was KIA.

"Ok, we will set you up into Irukas class tomorrow. For now lets head home and get you settled in, huh?" Tsume spoke again with a new sense of pride in her walk. she must be proud that I, now known as Haruka Inuzuka, had found my way home. even if it was only a faint memory and smell. I nodded simply and without saying a word I grabbed both women hands. I must have surprised them with that because they weren't moving at first, their grip on my much smaller hands limp.

both must've felt that it was an innocent child gesture they both smiled and started out the dogs waiting till all three were out the door before following, then they created a sort of protective barrier around us three, four counting Akamori up on my head, as the group moved through the halls, people parted so not to get in their way and also escape the potential jaws of the canines around them.

All the while I had a strong sense of familiarity and comfort being within that circle. I knew that this was the place I needed to be, and I wasn't letting go for as long as I could. A sudden thought came to my head and I looked up at my newfound Mother, Tsume, and spoke up. "Hey Momma?" "Yes pup?" "There was a man who could have followed me here...I'm kinda scared. I don't wanna be taken back by him. I don't know his full name but, the snake-man always called him Kabuto. he has big round glasses like this" being the child I am, I made my hands into a circle about the size of a dinner saucer. It was exaggerated, but that is just how my child brain thought. 

Tsume seemed to be troubled by thought and instantly held my hand again, this time a firm grip held on, as if nothing could never make her let go. I enjoyed the feeling but smiled. I knew that she would protect me, and upon looking to Hana, I knew the same would come from her.

A similar thought ran through their heads as they walked through the doors of the hospital, no nurses or doctors daring to speak to them about signing out. 

'I would rather die than let this child leave my side again'

Edited 2/28/17 

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