Chapter 8

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She asked me to sleep with her.

"S-sure. I just h-have to text the boys-s." I replied. She nodded.

"Okay, but please turn around. I want to change into my PJ's." She blushed and looked down.

"Of course."  I said, turning around and whipping out my phone. I couldn't text faster.

[N: Niall, H:Harry, Li:Liam, Lo: Louis, Z:Zayn]

N: Spending the night at Juliet's. Too cold to walk home. sorry lads.

H: Jeez Nialler, you just met her today. ;) its fine. see u tomorrow.

Li: no funny business. 

Lo: have fun see u in the a.m

Z: see u tomrrow niall <3

Oh Zayn. 

"Okay, you can turn around now." She said silently.

She was wearing a Jack wills shirt, with shorts. Her hair was down, and wavy.

"Now it's your turn to look away." I said, smiling. She nodded, and faced the wall.

"Do you mind me in my boxers?" I asked.

"No, of course not." she replied, her voice weak.

So, I strip into my boxers.

"Okay, I'm done." I said. She turned around, and even though it was dark, I could see her eyes g wide.

"L-L-Lay down." she said, not demanding, but offering.

I laid down, patting my hand next to me, telling her to lay down next to me.

She got under the covers, and she felt cold, making me shiver. She shivered as well, so I pulled her in for a hug, but laying down.

I was facing her, and she was facing me. She put her arm around me, and her other arm down at her side.

"Yo-you're very war-m." juliet said, sounding weak again.

"than-nks." I replied. 

After 5 minutes, she was asleep. I kissed her forehead, and went to sleep.


As I was falling asleep, Niall kissed me on my forehead. He went to sleep. The next day, I was wakened with a, kiss? I opened my eyes, and saw. Niall. I kissed back, gently, and got up.

"Good morning." He said with a smile. I smiled back, and got up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"8 am." He said.

"Why so early? The boys aren't coming till 10!" I said, not shouting.

"Well I thought you wanted to spend some time together, get ready.. eat." He replied, inches away from my face. 

"O-Oh." I replied. His breath was so warm on my neck. It was hot.

He kissed my cheek, and got off me. We had some time, so he made me breakfeast, and popped in a movie to watch.

"What movie?" I said through my pancakes.

"Yes Man." He said. He was now only in his boxers and pants, not shirt.

"I LOVE THAT MOVIE." I shouted, surprising Niall. 

"Sorry, it's so funny." I said, as he walked over to me.

He sat down next to me, and ate his pancakes in less than 5 minutes.

"Jesus." I said, making him laugh.

Every now and then we would go back and forth from talking to watching the movie. 

"Tell me more about yourself." Niall said, looking into my soul.

"what would you like to know?" I replied.

"where in Cali are you from?" He said.

"Santa Barbra. where in ireland are you from?"

"Mullingar." He said, smiling.

after half an hour, it started getitng personal.

"Did you ever have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, 2. My mum and this girl, Alyssa. Have you ever had any boyfriends?"

"Yes, 1. But I was 16, and it lasted for a month."

"A month is a long time for a relationship, if you ask me." he said.

"This girl Alyssa, what is the craziest thing you two have ever done?" I asked.

He looked down, blushed, then looked back at me.

"She took my virginity." He whispered, i think I saw a tear stream down his face.

I was shocked.

"How old were you?"

"17." he said.

"why are you crying, Niall?" I moved in closer, to comfort him.

"sh-e-e forced me."

I felt tears start up in my eyes, but wiped them away qucikly.

"But why does it mean that much to you?" I asked.

He looked into my eyes.

"I didn't want to do it. I was scared I was going to hurt her. Afterwards, she didn't seem to care much about me anymore. I wanted to wait, until I got married. I wanted to do it with someone who I know would love me forever. She got me drunk and forced me onto her. It was the worst night of my life, which is why I don't drink anymore." He said, still looking into my eyes, wanting me to say something.

"I-I know how you feel.." I whispered.

"Juliet,?" Niall said.

I just shook my head.

"I was also myself 17." I replied, before getting a world famous "Horan Hug." 

"Let me tell you something," he started.

"No man in the world, should force someone as beautiful as you to do something ike that. No Man should ever make you feel like a princess at one moment, and trash the next. No, you need to treated like a princess every minute of every day. It makes me sick, to think that a man my own age, would make you do something that horrid, jsut for his pleaseure." He stated. I was now crying into his shirt.

"Why can't more guys be like you? Caring, Kind, Attractive?" I said. He picked my chin up, and kissed me passionatly. We were inturputed by Niall's phone.

He looked down, and ignored it.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Liam. Would you rather me pick it up?" He asked.

I nodded, and he went to his phone. 

"Yeah, no we are awake. We already ate. Uh sure, take your time. See you later." Niall said and hung up.

"they lads will be here soon." He said, picking me up bridal style.

"..And we need to get changed." He said.

he was so hot.


Tired as carrotsssssss.

Night lovies, will update after homework xoxo.

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