Do you like food? [Niall Horan Love Story]

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Hi, my name is Juliet Baker. I'm a 18 year old girl, who's life  is now crashing down on her.  It's my last year of High School, and so far, its been complete utter hell.  Back in California, it was great. Everyone was nice to everyone, and there was no drama, except when people argued over what they wanted for lunch. It seemed like everyone had a love, except me. Anyway, here in London, its terrible. I moved out here because my parents told me to become more responsible, so they booked me a flight to live here in London. I live with my dog, Cookie. 

when I woke up, we landed in London. A nice women woke me up, saying that we've landed. When I got off, I rented a car, and headed off to my new life. I have today to unpack, and tomorrow, starts a new school. Yay me, right? While I'm upstairs unpacking, I heard a knock at my door. I walk downstairs, wondering who this could be. "I just got here 5 minutes ago, did my parents stalk me on the plane?" I thought. When I opened the door, a tall, but not too tall guy was at my door. He had blonde hair, but brown hair on the way down. His eyes were matching the color of a beautiful ocean, or the sky maybe. He wore a white sweater, with blue stripes, and classic black skinny jeans. His smile looked like any other Irish, but his had something special that gave me chills down my spine. 

"H-Hi," The cute guy stuttered.

"H-Hi." I stuttered right back.

"I'm Niall. Niall Horan. I live next door with my mates, and thought I'd come say Hello." His eyes smiled, and held a hand out.

"Nice ot meet you Niall, I'm Juliet Baker." I smiled, and shook his hand. I felt like electric went though him, to me. We were standing there, holding each others hand for what felt like forever, gazing into each others eyes. I didn't want it to stop, but than four other cute guys showed up behind him. I yanked my hand back quickly, as did Niall. 

"Seems like you've meet Niall huh?" A guy with curly hair said.

Niall and I blushed furiously.

"Aw, Niall is a tomato!" A guy with also with blue eyes sad, with a cheeky smile. The other two guys laughed at Niall, who's face was getting even more red by the minute. 

"I'm Harry Styles" the guy with curly hair said, with a wink.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson" The guy with blue eyes said, smiling.

"I'm Zayn Malik" A guy with beautiful brown eyes said.

"and I'm Liam Payne." Said the last guy.

"Payne in the ass?" Harry stated. All the boys except Liam laughed. 

"It was lovely to meet you boys, but I have to finish unpacking. It was very nice of you to stop by." I said with a smile, still looking at Niall. Something about him, I don't know exactly what, but something was making me want to hug Niall. All day, everyday. 

"Do you need some help?" Niall suggested fast.

"Niall, we can't." Louis said

"Why not?" Niall said with an upsetting tone.

"We have to head out to dinner" Harry said, licking his lips. It was obvious the guys were hungry."

"Ah, Dinner can wait! Juliet can even join us maybe?" Niall said with a questioning tone.

I giggled and nodded.

"Ah, I don't want to be a bother. You guys go, it was nice talking to yo-" I was cut off

"NO!" They all said.

"You would never be a bother!" Louis said. I blushed, and I invited them in.

As we walked in, they were amazed at how empty and large my apartment was. Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam gestured toward some boxes, and started unpacking. 

"Do you want tp help me with my room?" I asked Niall, scared of his reaction. Wait, why should I care anyway, we just met.

"Sure, I'd love to." He said, with his face lighting up. 


eeh, boring, I know, but it's just a start!

Like it? Please tell me! 

Have a great day! :D

Do you like food? [Niall Horan Love Story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum