Chapter 7 :)

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-Niall's P.O.V-

Harry shouted "I DARE YOU TO kiss Juliet for 5 minutes." Harry said with a Cheeky smile and wink.

I looked at Juliet, blushing. She had desire in her eyes.

she wanted to kiss me.

I started leaning in, but Juliet went right for it. 



Yes! I saw Niall look at me, but I could tell he knew what I was thinking.

I wanted to kiss him.

He started leaning in, but I couldn't resist. I went in right for it.

I felt everything around me stop. The world stopped moving. It was just me and Niall.

I felt sparks, fireworks, electricity, everything.

After 5 minutes, I pulled away slowly. 

Niall was still in his gaze, but he opened his eyes, and looked into mine.

"Uh okay Great job lads." Lou said, laughing. 

"Oi, 8 already?" Liam said, looking at his watch.

"Time flys by when you're making out with beautiful girls." Zayn said, smiling.

Niall nodded. He thought I was beautiful.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" I suggested. Everyone except Nill and I ran to the couches.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said, standing up.

"Niall, are you coming?" I said, blushing. He looked up and nodded.

"..That was amazing." I heard him mutter beneth his breath.

"..agreed." I said. He looked at me with a smile, and put his arm around me.

On one couch it was Lou and Liam, the other was Zayn and Stasia, Then Harry and Caroline, and the smaler couch was left for me and Niall.

"Okay, Toy Story or The Notebook..?"I said.

"THE NOTE BOOK." Harry, Caroline, and Stasia shouted. 

"TOY STORY." Zayn Liam and Lou shouted.

I looked over at Niall, who was sitting, lauging.

"What ever makes you happy." he replied.

"Oi, uhm how about a different movie." I said, looking through my movies.

"Juliet, by any chance do you have Dear John?" Liam asked, sounding a bit shy.

"Liam, Danielle is a girl right?" Lou said, making Harry burst out laughing.

Liam slapped him. "I'm not gay Lou, Dear john is actually a good movie. Eleanor told Danielle that it is her favorite cuddle movie." Liam said, winking at Lou.

"Dear John anyone?" Lou said, making Harry laugh even more.

"So Dear John it is?" I said. Everyone nodded.

I put it in, and sat down next to Niall. Niall put his arm around me, pulling me into his chest. I hugged him, he was so warm and comfy. 

Half way through the movie, everyone except me and Liam were awake.

"So you fancy Niall?" He said whispering.

I blsuhed, and nodded. 

"Good, he likes you too." Liam said, smiling.

"He does? how do you know?" I said.

"you can see it in his eyes, his smile, and his voice. I haven't seen Niall this happy in forever." He said. I looked down and blush. 

"All that I ask," He continued.

"Don't hurt my boy. He is very caring, and once he cares for something, he dedicates his whole world to it. Don't do anything to make him hate himself, promise?" He said serious. He really cared for Niall. 

"I cross my heart." I whisperd.

"Guys I need to wake the boys up. Hold your breath." Lou said. I looked at him weirdly.

"Just do it, it's for your own good." Liam said. I held my breath and nose.

Lou. Farted.

First it was Harry, he woke up Caroline, which woke up Stasia, which woke up Zayn. Niall was sound asleep. I kissed him on the cheek, which woke him up. His eyes fluttered open, looking down and blushing at me.

"We have to go lads. It got late pretty fast." Liam said standing up.

 I looked at the clock, it was 10. I looked back at Niall who was still staring at me. 

"Like what you see?" I said, snapping him out of his trace.

"I might. I'm too comfy to get up." He said, pulling me in closer. It felt so good.


I didn't want to leave. Everyone was saying their good byes and exchanging numbers. Even if she lived next door, I didn't want to leave.

"Hey, how are you going to sleep? Your bed isn't set up." Harry asked.

"Oh, i was going to set it up now. Caroline and Stasia, where are you staying?" Juliet said.

"There is a hotel down the road, we were planning on staying there." Stasia answered back, still hugging Zayn.

"Oh, cool." She said. Liam saw me jut standing there, when he nugged me to say something.

"Hey, do you want me to stick around and help?" I said, pointing towards the stairs.

"Oh, that's sweet Niall. thanks." She smiled and half hugged me.

"Okay, see everyone tomorrow!" Liam and Lou said, heading out the door.

"come by in the morning anytime you like!" Juliet shouted.

I looked at her. I couldn't help but smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" She said, going towards the stairs, I followed.

 "Can't a man be happy about nothing?" I replied, winking. 

We walked upstairs. Her room was how we left it before lunch.

Empty, with a naked bed.

"I jsut have to set up my bed. I was going to start painting tomorrow." She said.

"What color?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. Maybe an ocean blue, with white going across the bottom, with a few christmas light going across the top of my walls." she said, as she moved around. I just couldn't focus on what she was saying. Her beauty was blocking it. She looked at me. I just nodded.

"That's cool. Did you bring sheets with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, they are downstairs. Also blue." She smiled.

after she got them, I helped her spread them out.

It actually was a good shade.

Now, it was 11. I don't know how time went by so fast, I guess when you're with a beautiful girl, time jsut goes right past you.

"What time would you like me-I mean the boys to come over tomorrow?" I quickly corrected myself.

Juliet giggled. "Anytime after 10." She smiled.

I guess she saw me yawn, when we were adjusting the pillows.

"Niall, it's freezing out.. Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" She offered.


Just don't want to make this chapter so long.

xxxx thank you all for reading, even if it's only a few people. 

I know, it's boring right now, but its only because its late and i'm tired.

Hopefully something will pop into my mind. x

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