My Fighter [Epilogue Part 2]

Start from the beginning

"Are you two ready?" Colton asked the twins. I've picked out their clothes and combed their hair. I've packed their lunches and backpacks. They'll only be gone a few hours but I don't want them to go.

It's their first day of school.

The twins nod their heads in response to his question. They're excited. They're ready to make friends and start their many years of school. The only one not ready is me.

I take their pictures when they have their backpacks on. They look up at me with identical smiles. I keep Ander on my hip as Colt ushers the boys out of the house and towards his car.

Colt knew if I took the kids to school today they'd never make it. I want to keep them here with me where I know they're safe. Where I know kids won't be mean to them and pick on them. How can I protect my kids when they aren't here?

Navy cries after her father. I set Ander down on the ground and pick up my baby girl. Her small fist clutches onto my shirt and she rests her head on my chest. "He'll be right back baby girl."

"Dada," she said.

"Daddy will be right back."

"Dada," she repeats.

"I know, you want dada. How about we watch some tv?"

My baby girl claps her hands and giggles. I bounce her up and down as we make our way into the living room. Ander is already sitting in front of the television with Disney channel playing. I set Navy into her bouncer beside her brother. Ander places his hands on the bouncer and helps move his sister up and down. She reaches for him and he takes her hands.

My boys do love their sister.


Date night.

A night to ourselves without any children. A night to talk about anything but the children. A night without crying and diaper changing. A night a certain little girl talked us in to.

Lucy is now thirteen, officially a teenager. She's been visiting my classroom since she had me as a teacher. She's come to  embrace her red hair and freckled cheeks. She's tall now as well, already a few inches above me. She's been asking me for days if I needed a babysitter. We don't, especially with my dad, but the girl was insistent. So Colton and I are giving her a chance. Lucy is now thirteen, two young to have a real job but old enough to know she needs to work for her own money.

I started babysitting at thirteen. I babysat the neighbors for a few years until I was old enough to have a job. Granted my neighbors didn't have babies or toddlers but they were still a handful. It's scary leaving her with two almost five year olds, a three year old, and a one year old. The selling point is that she knows CPR since her mother is a nurse.

"There's a list of all our phone numbers on the fridge. If there's an absolute emergency call my father. He's the third number. He'll be closest so he'll be able to get here the fastest. The boys bedtime is eight. Navy should be asleep by them. She likes her sleep." I explain to the redhead. "Navy will be fussy after we leave. She always gets that way when Colton leaves. Just give her a bottle and she'll be fine."

"I've got this Mrs. Davis," she says. "We're just going to watch some movies. I'll make them some dinner, we'll be okay."

"I'm trusting you with my babies lives Lucy."

She smiles at me, "Trust Me. I love your kids. I'm not going to let anything happen to them."

My kids love her too. Addi and Brooks have always had a crush on Lucy. Ever since they found out that she was the one that gave them the bears. Now they won't sleep without them. Brooks named his bear Teddy and Addi named his Beary.

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