"I don't want Bob to die."


"Yes! Bob!" Harry said referring to his pancake who had two banana slices for eyes, a strawberry nose and a stripe of syrup for the mouth.

"You need to eat it Hazza." Louis laughed.

They eventually got Harry to eat his pancake and made lots more. They didn't even have dinner since everyone was stuffed from all the pancakes they'd eaten.

"So, Zayn was wondering if he could stay at Justin's tomorrow night." Liam said to Louis as they tidied up the mess in the kitchen.

"I don't see why not, as long as he's done all of his homework then it's fine." Louis said.

"Zayn!" Liam shouted and Zayn came prancing into the kitchen. "Pack a bag for tomorrow night. You can stay at Justin's but I want your homework done first." Liam said and Zayn's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Zayn said jumping up and down and hugged Liam and Louis.

Zayn packed a bag straight away and Louis and Liam laughed at his enthusiasm.

The next day Zayn was picked up from school by Liam as Josh was taking Justin out straight after school for a 'last minute birthday present' before he goes to work.

"Zayn! Are you ready?" Liam shouted as he entered the house, tired from a long day at work.

"Yeah!" Zayn shouted back.

He ran into the living room and greeted Liam quickly.

"Do you have his birthday present?" Louis asked.

"Yep." Zayn nodded.

"Uniform for tomorrow?"


"Your school bag with all the folders you need for tomorrow?" Louis fussed.

"Yes Papa, I've got everything." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"I was just checking. Have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow after school."

Liam dropped Zayn off at Justin's house and told him to have a good night and behave.

Justin opened the door for Zayn and waved to Liam who then drove off once he had seen that Zayn was safe with Justin.

"I know I've said it already today but happy birthday!" Zayn said as he hugged his taller boyfriend.

"Thanks baby." Justin said laughing at Zayn's antics.

"So what was Josh's present to you?" Zayn asked as Justin took all of his bags from him and took them to his room.

"I'll show you later. What do you want to order for dinner?"

"I'm fine with whatever you want." Zayn said.

"How about a Chinese?" He suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Zayn said and they sat on Justin's bed watching Netflix.

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