I looked at her, she was still looking at the ground, trying to get a grip on her crumbling world. I slowly walked over to her, my foot touched my staff but I left it on the ground, right now all I cared about was her. All I cared about was Elsa, I stopped only inches away from her, she didn't flinch or look up, she was too much deep in thought. Too much buried in the problem that was now hanged over her head.

"Elsa," I said in a low whisper, she didn't responded.

"Elsa," I said a little louder putting a hand on her shoulder.

Then her head shot up and her eyes locked on mine. Tears, her eyebrows pulled together, her mouth slightly open getting ready to sob. Then I snapped, I wrapped my arms around her and brought her closer to me, our bodies touching. She was still for a moment, then her arms found my body and she wrapped them around me tightly, I tighten my grip around her, my whole body was tingling, but then the tingles soon fade as I stroke her braided hair. Her head was leaning on my shoulder, I leaned my head against her' s, I didn't like to see her like this. The moment she looked at me with that face, the face of sadness and desperation, pain came over me, pain for her. I felt her fingers tighten to the back of my shirt and I let her sob onto my shoulder, I stoked her hair more slowly now.

"Shh, it's alright. I'm here.........I'm here."


Days passed and my bond with Elsa has grown stronger and stronger. The night when I was about to kiss her didn't make an appearance in our conversations. We left it the way it was, an unspoken question and an unspoken answer.

Pitch only comes in her nightmares, so I watch her at night more and more often. One day we were outside talking while the others played in the snow and I thought Tooth was glaring at me. No not me, she was glaring at Elsa, I knew Tooth like me, she asked me out once, but......I told her no. She was more like a sister to me than a girlfriend, even though I said no, we're still friends. She couldn't be jealous of Elsa, by now she has to be over me, it been years since I said no. She has to be over me......or......so I thought.

I was alone in the dining room, about to go into the main hall, when I saw Tooth and Elsa through the crack in the door. They were in the main hall, Elsa was about to go outside when Tooth stopped her.

"Elsa, can I talk to you?" Tooth asked in a angry tone.

"Sure, what do you want to ask?" Elsa said turning around from the door. She was wearing her blue ice dress and she had her hair in a braid.

Then the unthinkable happened.

* Elsa's P.O.V *

When I turned around I was expecting to see a happy Tooth, but instead I got nothing but rage. Her wings flapped furiously in the air, her hands were fist, and her eyes were narrowed.

"T-Tooth is there something wrong?"

"Stay away from him!"

"Stay away from who?"

"Who else! Jack!"

"Jack! Why?!"

What was she saying? Why does she want me to stay away fro-. Then it all makes sense, I remembered the way she looked at him, like she liked him. This is why, she must be jealous.

"Tooth there is nothing going on between me and Jack!"

"And there's not going to be...," she stopped flapping her wings and her feet touch the ground. She stood up straight and she crossed her arms in front of her chest and smirked.

"Because he never will pick you, not when I'm here."


"Well, I mean your great and all, but face it you would be nothing without your powers."

Let The Frost In ❄Elsa X Jack fan fiction❄Where stories live. Discover now