Honeymoon Avenue

189 11 3

Ariana’s POV

Mika’s song with Priscilla had hit number one and stayed there for the next week. Jimmy took Mika out of school almost every day because he was gaining so much freaking popularity. Mika was bombarded by a bunch of girls the first day the song came out. They couldn’t believe that Mika actually got a song out on the radio. It’s been really lonely without him at school.

He still doesn’t know if he’ll do a video to go along with Popular Song. I hope he doesn’t. Even though Mika and I already recorded Popular together Jimmy still hasn’t tried to get it out there for people to hear. I planned to stomp into his office today and ask him why.


At the three o’clock, school let out and I told Liz to drop me off at Jimmy’s office at the recording studio. I walked in and opened the door obnoxiously. My jaw dropped as I saw Mika and Priscilla lounging in Jimmy’s office and talking about their new single together.

“Mika?” He turned and jumped when he saw me. “Ariana!” his eyes lit up and his mouth turned up into a sweet smile. He came to me and wrapped his long arms around me but I didn’t hug him back. He let go and I saw Priscilla roll her eyes at me. Mika looked into my eyes, “What’s a matter with you?”

“Where’s Jimmy?” He jabbed the air with his thumb, “In there. He’s setting up for my recording session. Why?”

“You’re already recording another single?” Mika nodded “Priscilla helped me write it.” I looked at her and she waved like an obnoxious brat. My eyes stung. I felt my tears push their way out and I shoved past Mika and opened the door to the recording box. Jimmy was pushing buttons on the huge panel. He turned around to me and smiled.

“Hey little Ariana.” he stood up and walked toward me. “What can I do for you?”

“I’ll tell you can do for me. Why is Mika all of a sudden writing with Priscilla? Huh? Why haven’t you tried to put OUR version of Popular on the radio? Mika can’t sing it with Priscilla! It was OUR song! Ours! We wrote so we should sing it! WE should be making a video for it! You know what? I’m really just tired of it! Jimmy I don’t care anymore just as you have apparently not cared for me anymore. Mika had brought ME to pursue my dream. I was the one that you wanted! You don’t even listen to my songs anymore! I’ve been writing like crazy! You keep putting me off. Just admit it, you like Mika more. I don’t care. Just drop me from the label. It doesn’t seem like you’re very interested in me anymore anyway.”  I stopped to let him absorb my rage. I didn’t feel bad one bit. I walked out of there and never looked back even when Jimmy and Mika chased after me. I got into Liz’s and told her to drop me off at home.

I didn’t tell anyone about what happened. I didn’t want Liz, Mika or Jimmy to try texting or calling so I put my phone in my bottom drawer in my dresser turned off. I lived life very simply for a week. No contact with anybody. I didn’t feel like talking. On my way home I heard Popular on the radio. I slammed the radio off and put my forehead on the steering while I cried. I really missed Mika. Hearing his voice made me so depressed. I sat up. I couldn’t let a GUY steer my emotions. Emotions. Oh I remember the first time we sang together. I was at his house playing his piano and we sand a duet of Emotions. I pushed the memory out of my head. I wonder what Mika thought of me right now…or if he even thought about me anymore. I got home and Frankie was on the computer.

“Hey, Ari.” he mumbled as I walked in.

“Mmph.” I replied. Frankie has been much better. He found a new job doing graphic design. He and Georgia are still dating, surprisingly enough. I walked into my room and shut my door. I threw my bag on my bed and didn’t bother doing homework. I sat down at my desk and started to write. I really felt like I needed to write what was on my mind so maybe I’d feel a tad better. I wrote a song. I kind of liked it. I’m glad that writing came so easily for me. All of my songs were love songs. All describing how love makes me feel so amazing and how I can’t live without it. I tried something different today. Not necessarily a break up; but a song about how I didn’t know if I felt the same way for the other person anymore. I know it’s kind of dramatic but I might break up with Mika. I’m still thinking about it. I’m not if I could bear without him.

“I looked in my rear view mirror and

It seemed to make a lot more sense

Than what I see ahead of us, ahead of us, yeah.

I'm ready to make that turn

Before we both crash and burn

Cause that could be the death of us, the death of us, baby

You know how to drive in rain

And you decided not to make a change

Stuck in the same old lane

Going the wrong way home

I feel like my heart is stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic,

I'm under pressure

Cause I can't have you the way that I want

Let's just go back to the way it was

When we were on Honeymoon Avenue”

I didn’t want to take my phone out to record. I was terrified of what might be there. So I decided on going old school. I pulled out the dusty guitar looper out from the garage and plugged in my mic. I sang into it and smiled as I made my voice loop and harmonize. I was feeling much better. Music is such a wonderful thing.

Hello my loves,

I don’t know I’ll really make Ari and Mika breakup. It’s still undecided. Haha but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know I haven’t updated in a while. Thanks for reading; I honestly never expected to have this much wonderful feedback. Bonne nuit!!!

With much love,


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