Dinner Plans With Some Very Special Guests

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Ariana’s POV

                Mika took my hand. “Ariana? Do you want to make this public or should we keep it a secret?” I looked back at him, “I think it’s best if we keep it to ourselves. I’m really sorry, but I don’t want a lot of attention. I don’t want to have to run into people laughing or teasing. Do you understand?” He nodded.

“Yes, and I completely agree with you.” That was my Mika. He said quietly, “Shall we be off?” we opened the doors and walked separately to class. I felt kind of sad that we couldn’t show our real relationship in public; or at least at school.  We couldn’t be like those cute couples in the Tumblr posts. I really liked Mika. I hoped that we would last for a long time.


 ***Author’s Note

Okay guys, I’ve decided that I’m going to start calling Josh>> Zayn

An I’m going to call Kali>> Perrie

I think it makes more sense. I might want to include the rest of 1D later so yeah. So don’t get confused when I call them different names okay! Okay thank you now you may read the rest!***

 School went by slowly. For the few classes that weren’t with Mika, I felt alone. I didn’t have a bunch of friends anyway. He was my friend. But now he was my boyfriend.  I looked across the room to the clock hanging on the wall. Ugh twenty minutes left of the background noise of Ms. Lumer’s voice. As I took my eyes away from the clock I noticed Zayn. He was looking right at me! Next thing I knew he winked his left eye at me. What the heck was that? I looked away. The twenty minutes of smiling, nodding, and pretending to understand passed. The class quickly cleared at the piercing sound of the school bell. I waited until everybody left. I picked up my bag and set it on my desk while I packed the papers away into it.

“When are you going to stop pretending?” a smooth voice asked in a relaxed tone. The British accent rung in my ears but it wasn’t Mika. I looked at his arms that rested by his sides. Tattoos everywhere. It was that bad boy Zayn. I still didn’t know I used to like him.

“Pretend?” I asked while glancing at his face. Oh. That’s why. He was very attractive. But he didn’t like me back. He liked…Perrie. Plus he hung out with four other boys who were always getting into trouble.

“I know you like me.” he said while chuckling a bit.

“I never said that.”  I said turning up my nose and pulling my backpack on.

“You don’t have to,” he said pulling my waist closer to him. His cologne was wafting off and was strong. I also smelled a hint of tobacco on his shirt. He smoked? “I can see it on your face when I look at you.”

“No you can’t.” I said trying to pull away.

“Oh so you’re gonna be one of those stubborn little chicks huh?” he said sliding his hands tighter around me. “Last time we talked you were so easy. Hey, whatever happened to that date we made?”

“You went out with Perrie.” I said angrily trying desperately to push my tears away.

“Perrie, hmm. Yeah. I almost got what I wanted from her, if you know what I mean, but she chickened out. What a big girl’s blouse.” he started running his nose up my neck.


“Hmm?” I quickly thrust my knee into his stomach and escaped his tight grip. I ran out of the classroom fast and ran far away from the classroom. I ignored his last few words that he yelled. I quickly moved through large mass of people. I accidentally ran right into a very tall boy. “Ow” I said, “I terribly sorry…” I looked up into the prettiest set of eyes. “Hey, Mika.” I said hugging him, “I missed you so much!” He laughed.

“Love, it’s only been an hour.” I let go of him and we walked out of school together with the rest of the bustling crowd.


“Mika? I’m afraid.” I said when we both got in the quiet car. He looked at me concerned. “What is it?”

“Its… Zayn.”  He stared at me with those gorgeous eyes.

“What did he do? Mika asked in an angry voice. I started crying. “Zayn was… flirting with me and… hugging me. I don’t even know why! We *sniff* never talk to each other! He just started to notice m-me.” I stopped crying after Mika hugged me. “I think we should let people know that we’re dating.” I whispered into his chest.

“Okay. “ he said “Now, on a happier note, let’s talk about tonight.”

“What’s tonight? I asked him.

“Oh Ariana, our first date what else?” he said laughing.

“Oh! Yes! Yes.” I said starting the car and backing out of the school parking lot.

“Okay so, I’ll come by your house to pick you up at seven. It might not be the fanciest, but it will be something to remember. Something kick off this relationship!” I laughed. “Okay! I’m excited.” I chirped. I turned on the heat in the car and turned on the radio to the holiday station. We sang along to the Christmas together. Mika actually had a great voice!

“Wow! You can really sing!” I said. He blushed, “Thank you. So do you. We sound great together.” he said looking down. “Are you into music?” I asked him. His eyes lit up

“Yes! I love music. But I’m extremely dyslexic so it’s hard for me to read music. I play by ear though.”

“So you play piano?”

“Yea. I sing a lot too. I danced too. My mother used to send me to tap dancing school but, let’s just it never worked out.” he said laughing. “So what about you?”

I thought about my answer. “I want to be a singer.” I said plainly. “I sing a lot too. My brother, my brother says that singers don’t make a lot of money and that it would be better if I just went to college and got a real job.”

“Oh. “ Mika said. “What do you think?” he said when I stopped the car in front of his house.

I looked at him, “I think that I’m probably better off as a singer. I can’t handle too much school.” He smiled. “I think you’re right.” he said. Mika leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I love you.” he whispered.

“I love you more.” I said back.

He smiled, “Impossible.”

You Only Ever Who You WereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora