You'll Never Know

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Ariana’s POV

*Three weeks later*

After what happened that day, things have been better with Mika but very very awkward with Zayn and his crew. The other day, Niall was about to talk to me but Harry swept him away from me. Zayn has been weird around me, also. I can’t tell whether he’s mad or confused or amused. Every time I see him I walk quickly in the other direction. I have a feeling that I should tell the counselor or the principal or somebody. But chances are, they’ll laugh in my face. I mean, our school is very huge. They really don’t give a crap if someone is being harassed by another student. I feel as if when I turn my head, Zayn or Russell will sneak up and snatch Mika away from me. I feel so bad. We should just transfer to another smaller school. But there’s really no chance in that.

Jimmy hasn’t changed his mind with Mika collaborating with Pricilla. I looked her up. Pricilla Renea. She’s a little weird to be honest. Mika went to the recording a little while ago. I was at his house alone. I think his sister was home but I think she was sleeping. Jimmy likes everything that I’ve thrown at him. All he says is: Keep writing, we will find the perfect hit single for you. I’m not sure what the last part meant but I assumed he just wanted me to keep writing.

I’ve been stuck lately. I have run out of ideas. My creative has shut down temporarily. I wrote songs all for Mika pretty much. The last one was called Right There. The idea came to me after Russell and Zayn had made Mika’s life hell. I vowed in the song that I would never leave his side. I would always be right there.  I thought about writing about someone else. Mika would probably think I’m a freak for only writing about our relationship. I thought about my enemies. Zayn. Oh yes he was definitely the number one on my hate list. But what could I possibly write about him? I thought about my story with him. Oh yes…it all started when…


Eighth grade. I walked into the same boring junior high that I’ve been at since last year. It was the first day. I sat down in my first period class. Social studies. Ugh just my favorite class. Ms. Teacher took role.

“Elizabeth Gillies?” ‘Here’

“Ariana Grande?” ‘Here.’

“Zayn Malik?” ‘Here.” I looked to the guy with the awesome British accent. Ohh a really attractive face to go with that cool accent.

 “Amber Ross?” ‘Here’

“Harold Styles?” ‘Ahem’ *kids giggle* ‘Its Harry thank you very much’ Harry looked at Zayn and shook his head. I found myself staring at Zayn. I studied his face. Very nice features, slope of his nose was perfect, pretty eyes and awesome hair.

 Ms. Teacher then sat back down in her chair and explained her classroom rules with her monotone voice.  First period ended sooner than I wanted it to. I wondered if I’d have more classes with him. Lunch came and I told Tori and Liz about Zayn. They told me that Harry and Zayn moved here from Bradford. That’s why their accents were different. I didn’t think I’d have any more classes with him but I was presently surprised when I was assigned a seat behind him in science. Mr. Lindstrom paced back and forth and lectured about what we would cover this year. I kept stealing glances at Zayn. I felt really stupid but he even looked great from behind. I didn’t even understand anything the teacher was saying. Zayn turned around quickly. My heart stopped but he was only looking at the clock in the back of the room.

“2:45 right?” I snapped out of my gaze.


“We get out at 2:45 right?”

“Oh yeah yeah we do.
“Yes!” he playfully punched the sky the bell rang soon and we were off. Zayn rushed out the door and I didn’t even get to say anything to him. I walked casually outside and tried looking for Tori and Liz. I caught a glimpse of Zayn and Harry; they were talking to two other boys that I didn’t recognize. They were both good looking though. They were soon surrounded with a bunch of popular girls. They must know each other.

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