You're Not Lost Anymore

172 10 3

7 Hours Later

I can't remember much, in fact I can't really remember where I am. The only thing I can recall is stumbling into the hospital with Sherlock and being taken away to be checked out.

I open my eyes and look around sleepily, managing to glance down at my hands which are now not covered in blood. I'm in some kind of group room. I have my own bed and the ECG machine is on next to me. My damp clothes are now off, my hair is clean, and I'm wearing some kind of white trousers and white shirt. The hospital got new clothes apparently.

I press the call button on the remote resting on the bed next to my hand, and soon a nurse walks in towards me.

"C-" before I get the chance to say anything else I start to cough, "can I get some water please?"

The nurse nods and shortly returns with some water. I drink it thankfully and place the cup down on the table.

"What's going on?" I manage to speak this time, glancing around at all of the other beds and seeing nobody I know.

"You and your daughter have an assigned doctor, Mr Watson. I'll just go and get him, one second."

"You mean she's alive?" I say hopefully, but my voice is still quiet and tired so she doesn't hear me.

Another man walks in swiftly after a while. He's wearing a white coat and has a clipboard.

"Hi I'm mark." He smiles, and holds his hand out for me to shake. I don't bother telling him my own name because he probably already knows.

"What's going on?" I ask, really kind of wishing for Sherlock to be by my side.

"Well, to start, you have a couple of broken ribs, so we've bandaged those up. I know you're a doctor so you know to take it easy with those, yeah?" I nod and he continues. "Now, this part is about Elizabeth."

"Is she ok?" I say quickly.

"Yes. Thanks to you." He replies, nodding towards my arm. I frown when I see the dressing attached to the crook of my arm. "Just before you fell asleep you agreed to give Elizabeth a blood transfusion. You have the same blood type, a rare one, and she lost a lot of blood from the wound because it took a very long time to extract the bullet safely. So, you offered to donate blood."

I nod to say I understand. So this is the reason why I am so physically drained.

"She's ok though?" I mutter.

"She's in the trauma wing. You know, so they can keep a closer eye on her. Although she hasn't woken up yet. She was put under strong anaesthetic."

"Can I see her?"

"Well. They wanted to discharge you today, but I persuaded them to give you the choice to either, like I said, be discharged, or move into the room in the trauma wing with Elizabeth. She has her own room, so you could get another bed moved in there and stay another day or so."

"...the second one?" I look up at him and he nods.

"Yep. That's fine. I'll just go and-"

"Wait, where's Sherlock? Is he ok?"

"Yeah he's fine. A few cuts and bruises but he's all good. Been clearing things up with the police I think. I'm not sure where exactly he is now, but he was with Elizabeth for a few hours."

He takes a couple of leads out of the clip attached to my hand and puts his hand on my back to help me sit up.

"Thanks." I say, starting to get out of bed but the same searing pain as last night shoots through my chest. "Agh." I groan.

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