Clearing Some Things Up

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"Just great." I mutter sarcastically. I'm not planning on giving up yet.

Thankfully the glass windows broke when the car was rolling off the road, and thankfully I didn't get hurt more than I did already. Just a few cuts and scratches.

The water starts to fill up more, which is the thing that starts to panic me. I do my best to sit up again, but as soon as I manage to get my head through the window, the car sinks further and a tonne of water gushes into the car, knocking me back inside and engulfing the whole place with liquid.

My lungs shrivel up at the feel of the freezing cold lake water, and I struggle to gather myself. My eyes are closed and I feel like I am trapped, but I still must try.

I push up with all my might, and reach the window, thankful that the water has stopped coming in.

I climb out and sit on the roof of the car and look around quickly, shivering like hell and gasping for air due to shock and being trapped under water for so long.

Unfortunately there is only one way to the bank: through the water.

I can't swim in the first place; it doesn't help that I may as well have no hands.

There's only one thing I can do.

I jump into the lake (aiming to jump as far as I can) and land in the freezing water with a splash.

The water makes the gash on my head sting but it could be much worse, and besides, I have much more pressing things to think about.

I struggle to keep my head above water, finding that a lot of water welcomes itself into my mouth every time I gasp for air.

After splashing around for a while, I manage to get a bit further and over to where the bank starts.

I look back to see my hoodie floating in the water a few feet away. It must have slipped off with all the splashing around and nearly drowning, but at least I'm able to touch the floor with my feet now.

Some of the rocks slide under my feet as I make my way through the water, but eventually I manage to make it to the grassy bank, flopping over to rest for a few minutes and flattening the now soaking grass beneath me. I take some deep breaths, spluttering and trying to get ll of the water out of my mouth.

I wonder what John and Sherlock are doing right now . They always know what to do, but do they know where? Well it's either they're on their way now, or they're laughing and drinking by the fireplace over how their plan worked and how the phone call to me from John sounded so real.

I really do hope it's not the latter.

Maybe, just maybe I can get out of this. Everything will be ok, it has to be. My life has been a wreck up to the point of when I met Sherlock and John. You'd think life would give something back wouldn't you?

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel more blood running down the side of my head. The only thing I can really do is press my hand there, hope for the best and carry on.

After sitting up stiffly, I stand up and shiver at the slight breeze in the air but still start to trudge through the long grass in search of the road. We can't have gone that far while rolling, so it must be somewhere.

Just when I think I can see tarmac, I hear a shuffle in the grass behind me, and much to my disappointment, I see another one of Alpha's minions standing before me.

"Didn't think it was that easy to get away did ya?" He snarls.

John's POV

I kick the door down in the old house, but find it all too familiar when I get inside.

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