The Dam Has Broken

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(A/N we need Evan Almighty here xD but srsly, we need a boat for John. This is going to get out of hand).

John's POV

~ Flashback ~

Hours pass by until after some time I manage to get the strength to go outside into the rain, not caring at all about getting soaked. I slam the door, locking it with shaking hands, and walk through the dark, empty, wet streets. There's only one place I can just about bear to be right now.

And that place is Baker Street.

I continue to walk down the street, not bothering to go back for my car keys as I locked them inside the house. As if I care about the rain right now. It's not too far to Baker Street from here, but I suppose that's my opinion. After all, the years of keeping up with Sherlock when walking have payed off.

The rain drips off my hair and into my eyes making me blink as I approach the main road. Not too far.

Mary. Stupid, stupid Mary. Why would she do that? I knew marrying her was a mistake, I shouldn't have taken her back at Christmas, oh how foolish I was. One day I'll find them. One day I'll see Mary in prison. However, in the mean time I can only hope that this is a dream, a non-existent story that is playing out in my head. Maybe I'm in hell because Mary, the devil himself, dragged me down here to suffer. See, what am I even suffering for?

I kick an empty beer bottle, shoving my hands in my pockets as I stagger down the deserted main road, which is unusual for London. Normally in this part there are crack heads in need of a fix and drunk people slurring their way into cabs and run down hotels.

The rage is like a fire inside me. I feel like a hungry lion in the Coliseum, waiting to strike once something moves. "SH*T!" I scream at the sky, not caring who or what hears me.

I have been building a dam, a dam big enough to hold an entire sea. Every time I and Mary would have a fight, it would crack, again and again. I have no idea what it's like now, but I'm not sure I want to find out.

I picture myself holding Elizabeth, god she was so close. She was there. I should've stayed up, I should've woken up. Why didn't I bloody wake up?!

My internal battle continues until I reach 221b. My hands shake as I try to fit the key into the lock, but I just can't keep them still.

I resort to banging on the door incessantly. It gets louder, louder, and louder. I find myself using the door as a bit of a punching bag, letting out all of the rage I can possibly handle in one go.

The door opens less than a foot, an obviously terrified Mrs Hudson peeking around it. Once she sees it's me, she opens the door fully, allowing me to stumble into the flat.

"John, John what's wrong?" She asks worriedly, taking my arm and trying to comfort me.

"M-Mary. It's Mary." I stutter. At this point, a sleep ruffled, panicked Sherlock rushes down the stairs.

Seeing Mrs Hudson and Sherlock somehow turns my rage into unbearable emotional stress and I can't hold it any longer. This is when I realise. The dam has broken.

"John are you ok-" Sherlock starts, but I fling my arms around him which surprises him slightly but he soon returns the hug. I burst into tears, letting out a heart-wrenching sob.

God, what do they think of me right now? This is so childish.

"She took my daughter away from me Sherlock." I manage to say before losing control once again.

Mrs Hudson puts her hand on my back, "it's ok John, we're here for you."

"Elizabeth. She's-sh-she's gone." I cry out. Sherlock just makes his grip tighter while Mrs Hudson rubs my back.

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