Chapter 9

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So, here is the next chapter.. Vote and comment if you like!

' Ugh.. step away! Let me see her. I am gonna beat shit out of you. Who told you to trouble her?...'
I heard a somehow familiar voice.

' I didn't do anything! She only fell on the floor like a leaf falls on floor!' Other voice said.

'Seriously, when did you start to talk like a poet? Don't tell me you pay attention in English class!' Another one! Why does it sound like boys are talking?

' Of course, he doesn't! He is always very busy in ogling at some brunette!' Oh god! Where am I? And how many boys are there?

"Guys, shut the hell up! Don't you und--  Oh look, she is blinking!"
The voice sounds familiar! Ohh.. is it James?

That was all I thought before opening my eyes completely. My mind was still in frenzy. When my senses were adjusted to the surrounding, I saw four boys bending over me looking at me like I was alien from outside of the galaxy.

And then I remembered everything. I jerked upwards to sit only to feel dizziness. As I was once again going to fall on cold floor, strong arms wrapped around me.

I looked up only to see Robert holding me. I freed myself from his hold at once and rubbed my head. Then I took my books which had scattered on floor and stood up all the while feeling four pairs of eyes on me.

As I left the class , I sighed. But my relief was momentary as I heard my name being called. I ran and I was sure they would never catch me because it is not easy to defeat a sportswoman.

Yeah, you are right! I am an athlete more specifically boxing champion for continuously five years. But no one knows here. That's why my punch was a little rough for Katie.

I reached to my room and slept as I was completely drained. I slept till noon as it was weekend.  Then in the afternoon I completed my homework. In evening, I went to library and read whole Divergent series once again.

That night I went to nearby hotel and had my dinner and returned to my room satisfied. On Sunday, I studied till evening. I know it sounds boring but I had to.  Next day onwards, for two weeks I wasn't going to get time to study. Then I called my parents and talked to them. Of course, I didn't tell them about recent events. I didn't want them to get worried over me.  I ended my weekend by eating ice cream. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

Next day, I went to school in time, checked homework and school started. Really,  time flies faster than rocket. Before I knew, school had ended and detention hour started. James came to the class covered in sweat and mud.. I guess from playground as he was football player.

He came and sat beside me. We started working individually. No one of is spoke to each other, till our silence was rudely interrupted by a panting Peter who was being followed by Robert.

Peter abruptly stopped but Robert pushed him forward resulting in Peter knocking on desk. He groaned in pain but shut his mouth after receiving a warning glare from Robert.

" Hey Emily! How are you?  Um-- look... I just wanted to say...".
" Peter.." Robert literally growled. "Ok. Fine. Listen, I am sorry for the way I talked to you. I shouldn't have called you that. I shouldn't have teased you from your skin. That was very inappropriate of me. I am sorry Emily.. Please forgive me!"

It was the last thing I expected from them... Apology from Peter!! I wasn't even given sufficient time to register what was happening as Robert spoke up.

"Emily, I am sorry too! I behaved very immaturely with you.  Sorry...." He said scratching back of his neck.

Oh Jesus! It was like double jackpot! I just didn't understand one thing, why were they begging me to forgive them? What did I even mean to them?

"You know, it is very rude not to reply when someone is talking to you!" James murmured against my ear. I looked at him and then at his friends whose heads were hanging low.

"It's ok, no problem! I forgive you. Now if you may excuse me.."
I accepted their apology. You can't blame me for that.. it was heartening scene that school's bad boys are apologizing me and that too sincerely. Yeah, I know Peter was forced to say sorry; but thank god it was the case otherwise I would have had a massive heart attack.

I decided not to stop there for a mere second more as my detention hour was already filled. It was potentially unsafe. So, I excused myself and turned to leave but stopped because my wrist was in vice like grip. It was frustrating. Every time I had tried to get away from these boys, one of them would always stop me by one or other way.

I turned only to see green eyed monster. Same thing had happened few days ago and results were far good from his liking. I could see the same thoughts in his eyes. No matter what, even if he was not a good guy and an arrogant idiot, his eyes were mesmerizing.

"See what you like?" The same old cheesy pick up line! I also decided to play along. "No.. not at all! I have seen better!" Well, you shouldn't challenge a teenager girl who is reader, in case of pick up lines. We know a lot of them and trust me they come handy when a guy flirts with you!

He smirked at me but suddenly got serious.
"Why did you faint that day?"
To say, I was surprised could be understatement.
"Did you had your lunch that day?"
Oh god! Me and hungry.. NEVER!  Food is my life. It is my soul and breath and only reason for my survival! How can he even think like that?

"Oh girl, damn! Why didn't you eat anything? Or are you one of those zero figure addicted girls? You weren't there for the lunch today, were you?" Robert asked me. I didn't say anything. My silence was mistaken as positive answer.

"Come on! Let's get you something to eat. Peter call Ed. We are going to cafe. Let's go James!"
"Hey, it's ok. I will eat on my own. There's no need to accompany me. I will be fine. Thanks and anyways I have duty in library!"
"No! Not at all! What if you would faint while walking or worse in library? I don't think that Bones lady would appreciate that!  You are coming with us! Come willingly or we have our own ways!!" Robert said in an authoritative note but  worry evident in his voice and looked at me pleadingly. I shrugged and said,  "Um- ok... " I smiled at him.

I turned my head only to find James staring at me intently. It was kinda creepy because it felt like he could see right through my lie. But I couldn't tell them. I hadn't even told my parents about it ! And these boys were still strangers for me. Luckily James didn't press the matter any further. 

So there went four of us for the cafeteria trip! Little did I know, that wasn't going to be normal!!

Soo, how was the chapter? Vote if you have liked the chapter! What do you think will be Emily's story which she wants to hide so desperately? Wanna know, stay tuned on and wait for the next chapter!!  Till then, Byeee🙋🙋

                           Yours' only,
                          Julie Parker💝💝

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