Chapter 5

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Hello people! Here goes the next part.. Don't forget to hit star button...Enjoy..

After leaving Mrs. Smith's office my legs took me to the library almost involuntarily because my mind was just frozen to decide what to do.

My shift in library ended without anymore drama. Then I returned to the hostel and collapsed on the soft, fluffy material of bed and soon entered into the dreamland.

The next morning I woke up like everyday emitting enthusiasm but as soon as the yesterday's events replayed in my mind I felt like going back to sleep and skip the school.

But I didn't have any choice in this case. I didn't want to be late on my first day as monitor. I sighed and got ready in 30 minutes.

I reached school in 5 minutes as it was walking distance from hostel. I was about half an hour early.

I walked towards my locker. I took out my books and then went to my classroom. No-one was there except one or two first benchers. I offered them a small smile.  I went to my seat and started reading a book.

After few minutes, bell rang . I went to the classroom door. Students started to fill in. I checked their works and surprisingly enough everyone had done homework.

Just before the final bell rang, arrived the most wanted person along with his friends. I hope you have guessed that he was James.
He looked at me with such a blank expression like nothing happened yesterday, like he doesn't even know me. It was really relieving but at the same time frightening too. Because the James Herald school knew had never ever taken his insult so easily. I checked his homework mutely and allowed him to enter the class. His friends also went in class as they also had done their works.

James didn't trouble me a bit. School hours ended. I remembered that I had to monitor James's detention. I felt nervousness taking over me. Even if yesterday I acted like I don't give a shit to James; but truth was far away from it. I had heard what happens to those who go in oppose of THE JAMES HERALD.  He still hadn't done anything; but it, at all didn't mean that he won't do anything.

I was sitting in my classroom, when he came along with Mrs. Smith. He was supposed to enlist all the students in the school alphabetically. I gaped at Mrs. Smith because the task was really too tiring and frustrating but to our surprise James didn't even try to argue. She left closing the door behind. Now we were alone.

Without sparing a glance at me , James sat on first bench and started doing his work. I too started reading book. Around half an hour passed, he hadn't said a word to me not even looked at me.

I really started feeling guilty. I thought I should not have tricked him. I knew how does it feel being cheated. I went to his seat and stood there hoping that he would acknowledge my presence. 10 minutes passed but no reaction from him. I got agitated and called him. He went on ignoring me. I tapped him on shoulder . He looked at me again with same emotionless green orbs.

" James , I am sorry..."

For a moment, surprise flashed in his eyes. But it was gone without before I could ensure it. I thought I imagined it because he didn't say anything and went back to his work.

" Please, James I didn't do it on purpose..... I mean I did it on purpose but I didn't mean know cheating you....  You were so full of yourself that it made me angry. You just don't understand world does not revolve around you. James.... please I am sorry..."

I felt relieved. I had apologized him. He didn't say anything but at least he had heard me. As I turned to go to my seat he stood up suddenly.

"I am done with today's work. May I leave?" He monotonously asked me.

I nodded yes. But he didn't make any movement to leave. I gave him a questioning look.

He stared into my eyes and said,
"Sorry won't make things better. Damage has already been done." He smirked at me and left leaving a shocked myself behind.

"James...James.."  I called after him but as expected he didn't give any reply.

What the hell was that?

What do you think will happen? Will Emily be in trouble even after her apology?
Keep on reading to know it.
Till next meeting.... Love You!
                            Julie Parker

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