Chapter 4

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I took a deep breath. I didn't know delivering such a lengthy lecture will consume so much of energy.

I glared at him only to find him closing and opening his mouth.
He was gaping like a goldfish.

But seriously, his expressions were worth of loss of my energy.
He looked like a five year old boy scolded for eating lots of chocolates.

I chuckled at his state but I guess it came out as snort, which brought him back into reality.

His eyes went red and he glared at me with so much anger that if looks would kill I would be dead by the time.

He suddenly pulled me into his chest and held my arm so tightly that it was sure to leave marks there.

"You don't have any idea what you have done, prey. But don't worry I will make sure that you realize your mistake." He whispered in my ear menacingly.

Bloody hell! Did he just threaten me? And that too for knocking some sense into him?
Who does he think he is?

I readied myself for giving another speech to that annoying pig ; but I had to stop as I heard someone's footsteps nearing to the office. I was pretty sure that Mrs. Smith was approaching.

A sadistic thought crossed my mind and smirk appeared on my face. As the footsteps neared, I pressed my back to the wall pulling James along with with me such that I was sandwiched between wall and James.

I shot a dark glance at the boy standing in front of me whose eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. And suddenly I started sobbing.

"Please, please don't hurt me. I will resign from my post as monitor but please (sob) don't hurt me... ohh... Don't..plea---"

"What is happening here?" Mrs. Smith's voice boomed through the office and involuntarily James cringed. He hadn't heard her coming so it was surprising for him.

For a fraction of second he seemed blank about the situation; but as soon as he collected the mess inside his head, everything  became crystal clear.

And shock of the incident was evident on his face. Before he could mutter a single word and ruin my excellent plan I half ran-half walked towards Mrs. Smith still fake sobbing.

Mrs. Smith gave James a hard look. But being a stubborn human, he opened his mouth to argue. Before he could say anything, Mrs Smith cut him off.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Herald? How dare you to bully Miss. Brown? And that too in my office? Don't you say a word! Detention for whole month! I don't care whose son you are, you will not skip any detention or the consequences will be severe. Don't you ever dare to hurt Ms. Brown! Your detentions will start from tomorrow. And no more arguments! Now , leave!"

Wow...just wow. I didn't know this side of my Maths teacher. All the while I have been considering her as a madwoman; but after today's event my respect about her doubled.

Most of the teachers were puppets of the businessmen whose children were in school. But, surely, Mrs. Smith was not one of them. James left but not before giving me a death glare.

"Miss Brown.....Miss. Brown? Don't worry dear. He won't hurt you and even if he tries you will come and tell me, understood? Now, back to business."

"You will start working as Maths monitor from tomorrow. I consider you have heard about your responsibilities. I am telling you, no matter what happens, don't let anyone enter the class without their works done. And let it be anyone. If someone crosses you, come to me and I will handle rest of the things. I hope you won't misuse your post and cooperate."

"Yes, ma'am."

"One more thing....about Mr. Herald's detention. You will be in charge of his detentions as I already have many things to do than punishing immature people."

"You will have to wait for only an hour after school. You will see if he is doing assigned work. If he doesn't, don't let him leave. Be strong, Miss. Brown. Don't let anyone hurt you... Anyways, if he troubles you, I will be here in the office. Ok?"

Monitoring detention of THE JAMES HERALD! Oh My God! He will probably, I mean, definitely kill me next time he sees me. I don't have a death wish, for God's sake. What am I going to do?....... Yeah... yesyesyesyesyesssss!!!!!

"Sorry ma'am; but my shift in the library starts as soon as school ends. I don't think I will be able to---"

"Oh...this is nothing!" She cut me off. "I will tell librarian to post point your shift by an hour for this month. You will be payed same amount. So, are there any other problems?"

"N-No....nothing. It will be perfectly fine."

"Best luck then. You may leave."

Bloody hell...just bloody hell!

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