"We need to get you new school trousers Niall, you seem to have had a growth spurt." Louis said and Niall nodded.

The family walked around the store looking at the trousers until Louis found the correct type and took two sizes for Niall to try on, to see which one would fit best.

"Right Niall, go try these on. Come out after you've put them on so I can see what they look like." Louis said to Niall.

Niall disappeared into the changing rooms while Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry all waited outside.

"He doesn't really look well Lou." Liam said, thinking about what the blonde boy had told him that morning.

"Li, you know he just didn't want to come shopping. He hasn't complained once since we got here. He was just being lazy, it's happened before."

"I suppose, but he is looking a bit paler than usual."

Before Louis could say anything Niall walked out in the trousers, nearly crying.

"Ni, baby what's wrong?" Liam asked going straight over to comfort the distressed boy.

"They don't fit Daddy. Am I too fat?" Niall said tugging at the waistband of the trousers which were digging into his tummy, making it feel worse.

"No baby, they're probably just the wrong size okay? You're not fat at all." Liam said, crouching down to look Niall in the eyes.

"Can you help me get them back off?" Niall asked and Liam nodded and went into the changing room with him.

He helped Niall get the trousers off and noticed that Niall's stomach did look a bit bloated. He didn't look fat, he just looked like he had wind or needed to go to the toilet.

"Let's try on this pair and see if they fit better." Liam said and held the trousers open for Niall to step into.

The second pair of trousers fit perfectly and Liam bought them after he helped Niall get changed.

Next they went to get new school shoes for Harry as his had gotten scuffed due to him playing in them at break and lunch time.

Finally they went to a stationery shop so that Louis could buy binders, notepads and pens as he had lost some pens and needed new notepads for his new classes.

"Is that us finished now?" Zayn asked, anxious to talk to Justin.

"Yeah, let's head home." Liam said as he carried all of the bags out to the car.

Niall walked slower than everyone else with his hands around his tummy as he thought that would help the pain.

It wasn't until they were all sat in the car, on the way home when Niall decided to voice his discomfort again.

"Daddy, Papa my tummy is really sore." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh baby, it's okay we'll be home soon." Liam tried to calm him from the drivers seat.

"Was your tummy hurting when we were shopping?" Louis asked and Niall nodded as he started crying.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

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