"Thank you." I sighed in relief.

"No problem." Carter smiled. He was now walking with me in his arms. Brad and Anna were walking beside us. Luke, Hunter and Ian followed behind us and who the hell knows where Lucy went?

"Where are you even taking me?" I asked.

"We all set up chairs around the fire and you are going to sit with us." Carter said.

"What if I don't want to sit with you guys?"

"Well too bad."

Carter sat me down in a chair right next to him. Lucy was on the other side of me so this is where she ran to.

Everyone was now joining us and taking a seat in the chairs around the fire. Well everyone but my mom and John. Who still must be in their cabin. I don't even want to know what they are doing.



"Are you okay Kali?" Luke asked. He was on the other side of the fire. In other words he was across from me and I could see his face perfectly. Ian was beside him and Hunter was on the other side of him while Brad and Anna were on the left side of the fire. I couldn't see them as much because Carter was in the way but I'm glad he is because I didn't want to see Anna's face.

"Yeah I was just thinking about something." I said.

"Disgusting?" He questioned. How did he know?

"What no."

"I saw you crinkle your nose in disgust."

Damn it. He caught me.

"Okay yes." I admitted.

"Tell us about it."

"No I have a dirty mind." I crossed my arms.

"Not as dirty as Hunter's." Carter said.

"Hey!" Hunter sounded fake hurt.

He's probably right. Hunter is pretty gross so I wouldn't be surprised if he has a dirtier mind than me.

"Excuse me?" A teenage boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes was standing by are fire.

"Yes?" Carter asked.

"Well I came over to ask you all if you wanted to play hide n seek? All the kids and teenagers that stay here at the camp site are playing and would like for you to join us. If you win you get to take your friends to the lobby and use their nice indoor pool and hot tub. They also have game systems and a popcorn machine and a chocolate fountain." The blonde headed boy said.

What kind of camping site is this!? It's not even like a camping site more of a paradise!

"Chocolate fountain!?" I squealed.

I swear I almost fainted when he said chocolate fountain.

The boy chuckled. "Yes a chocolate fountain."

"I'm so in!" I stood up.

"Count me in! I would love to dip my face into that chocolate fountain." Ian stood up and walked over to the boy. I walked over to the boy too. We stood beside him and waited to see if the others were going to join and they all did except Anna who kept complaining about not wanting to play because that would mean she would have to run and be sweaty and get her new sandals that she just bought dirty. Like what the hell did you expect to not get dirty on this camping trip? Why the hell would you bring new shoes on the camping trip anyways?

"Just play. Please babe." Brad put his arm around her lower back. He pulled her into him and kissed the side of her head.

"Play? How old are you guys? Like five?" She hissed. I rolled my eyes.

"Look you don't have to play! We are all just trying to have some fun so won't you stop whining and complaining and just play the game." I said with a hint of attitude. She shot me a dirty look.

"Uh baby. Are you just going to let her talk to me like that?" Anna asked Brad.

"Look Anna just play the game or sit here and wait for me to come back." Brad said.

She gasped. "You're on her side aren't you? Are you two close? Does she mean something to you!?"

"No I'm not on her side. We aren't close and she doesn't mean anything to me." He said.

Ouch that hurt.

It hurt worse than stepping on a Lego with your bare foot.

It hurt worse than stubbing your big toe.

It hurt worse than cramps.

It hurt worst than...

Okay I think you get it. It just hurt a lot.

I grabbed onto the blonde headed boys arm. "Can you please take me to wherever we start this game?" I asked.

"Of course beautiful." He flashed me a smile.

"Thanks." I forced a smile. I looked over at Carter who didn't seem to happy. I looked over at Lucy who was wiggling her eyebrows at me. I then looked back at Brad who was starring at me with a sad expression on his face. I turned around and looked forward trying to hide my frown.

Aw poor Kali 😔

Oh I wanted to say thank you so so much for voting and commenting! It means a lot! I love you all. Have a nice day. ☺️


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