Telling Hank

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Jay's POV

I knock on the door and Erin of all people opens it.
"Jay I'm uh glad your here." She says
" I'm just here to see Hank." I say
" Actually me and Kelly texted you from his phone..." she says

" YOU DID WHAT!" I yell
" We texted you because we were wondering if you would check on Kelly's dog whilst we go on vacation." She says
" Umm sorry but fuck to the no." I say before turning and walking away.

I get back in my car and drive back to my apartment when I turn my car off I break down crying. I can't take this anymore, I just can't. I get out the car and walk upstairs to my door. When I get there I see Hank waiting outside.

" Oh umm hey Hank what are you doing here." I say trying to cover up that I was crying.

Hank's POV

I am waiting outside of Jay's door when I hear someone behind me. I turn around to see Jay right there.

" Oh umm hey Hank what are you doing here." He says obviously trying to cover up the fact that he was just crying.
" Hey Jay, I think we should have that talk now." I say

" Umm ya come right in." He says
We walk into his living room and sit on the couch.
" So what did you want to talk about." He says
" Look I'm gonna get straight to the point, I know you are depressed and I know you are not eating or sleeping and I know it because Erin and Kelly are dating." I says

" Um I'm not d depressed." He stutter
" I know you are, now please kid let me help you." I says

As soon as I says that he breaks down in my arms crying. He cries and cries until He can't anymore. He sits up, look at me  and tells me everything.

" I um I'm very depressed and I haven't eaten or slept in 2 weeks and yes it is because of Erin and Kelly. I can't look at them and be happy for them because I'm in love with Erin. When Erin announced she was dating him, it felt like my heart shattered. I um started to uh cut last week because it got so bad. And I don't really care if I live or die anymore." He says

I reach for his arms gently and flip them over pushing up his sleeves. When I see the cuts I gasp and actually have tears in my eyes.

" Jay you can't keep doing this." I says
" no one cares, no one would care if I died." He says
" Jay I care, I care Jay I think of you like a son to me." I say
" You think of me like a a son n to o you." He says

" yes I do, and I really want to help you, so I'm gonna stay here with you watch you eat and make sure you sleep. I'm gonna make sure stress is to a minimum so you don't cut and I will make you want to live again." I say
" Thank you Hank that means a lot." He says

Once I say that I stand up and tell him I'm going to grab some stuff from my house and that I'll be back. I rush to my car, get in and drive to my house. When I unlock the door I see Erin and Kelly on the couch watching TV.

" Hey Hank." Erin says
I don't reply I just run upstairs pack some clothes and everything else I need and run back out the door to my car. When I get back to Jay's apartment, I get out and walk up, I open the door and see Jay laying on the couch fast asleep. I pick him up easily as not surprising he doesn't weigh a lot. I walk to his room lay him on the bed, take off his jeans and shirt leaving him in his boxers and pull the covers over him.

I walk into the guest room, lay down and fall into a peaceful sleep.

Jay's POV

When Hank left to go get clothes, I felt like a weight even if it was just a small one had been lifted off my shoulders. I just told Hank everything and he still loves me and cares about me and thinks of me like a son. I can't believe someone cares. I keep thinking for a while until I fall into a deep sleep for the first time in 2 weeks.

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