Chapter 13: Balcony

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Brienna's POV...

The whole ride back to Liberty manse was quiet. It was all thanks to Kaori and Luke that it wasn't awkward. I stared deep into the white ceiling wall that I was so accustomed to be staring. The comfortable mattress wasn't helping me sleep minutes instead, it made me reflect on on happened in the garden

His eyes were so bright. I closed my eyes trying to imagine them in front of me once again. And his face was so close. His lips..... I snapped my eyelids back open and squeezed my knees together. My heart pumped blood faster as I felt my face heart up. You are like a drug don't you know?

I sighed and turned to my left trying to get into a more comfortable position hoping I would fall asleep soon. "This is never going to happen." I sighed and sat up remembering that the sky was quite beautiful tonight. I got up from the bed and walked to the balcony. Pushing the doors open, I stepped out and touched the cold white marble with my bare feet.


I had lost track on how long I spent staring up at the stars. They shined so brightly and it was so visible to the human eye yet, they are so far away to touch. The cold night air blew my hair as it swayed gently. With my eyes closed, I started to feel sleepier and sleepier until I heard a loud bam.

My eyes naturally snapped open to see what was the cause. That room. I stared at the brightly lit room that was not too far from mine and focused, trying to make out the figure. The lights suddenly went off but it still gave me enough time to make out who it was. Keith.

It was him and there was no denying it. From the blueprints of the manse our rooms just so happens not to be so far away. It was definitely and there is without a doubt him. Flashback of the evening played back in my mind which made my heart clenched.

Why? Am I not good enough? I stared up at the moon with longing eyes. What do you think of me Keith? Tears brimmed my eyes wanting to know why he had walked away. Especially since I knew he felt the same way. The loving in his eyes. How gentle he was when he touched my cheek. The way how he spoke. Keith, you need to try more if you want to hide you feelings. I laughed bitterly before turning away and back into my darkly lit room.


Keith sighed as he stared up at the moon. His left arm supporting the weight of his head as he reflected on what he did in the evening. 'Why did I do that?' He questioned himself. It was true he wanted to kiss her there and then but he didn't dare because of the many endless consequences. Someone could have even taken a photo then and that would have been a huge scoop but that never happened. It was like destiny was being kind to them.

He continued to stare at the moon wondering what Brienna would be doing right now. 'How stupid.' He thought knowing that she was most likely sleep. He got up here he was and was about to return to his room until he saw her, Brienna. The person that was always in his mind.

He stared at her peaceful figure. Her hourglass body and long dirty blonde hair made her look like a fallen angel especially when she wore her nightgown which was a loose white dress with a strap hanging down her shoulder, exposing her chest more for the prince.

 Her hourglass body and long dirty blonde hair made her look like a fallen angel especially when she wore her nightgown which was a loose white dress with a strap hanging down her shoulder, exposing her chest more for the prince

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The nightgown was already showing a lot of skin but now, the young prince's face was completely red remembering that moment when he saw her only in a towel. He couldn't take the sight that was before him so he left slamming his balcony's door, loudly.

Third Person

Both of the helplessly in love people stared at their ceiling hoping for something magical to happen. Neither could fall asleep no matter what they did. Their minds were occupied by thoughts of their opposite other. They wanted to know the answers to their hearts. Just laying their hoping to sleep wasn't helping anything at all so, as time continued to pass, they couldn't keep up with the annoying thinking of their clock so they both got up.

Keith opened his door and scammed the hallways carefully hoping that no one will spot him as he walked quietly to Brienna's room.

Brienna's POV...

I stood with the door in front of my face. Opposite it would be the empty hallways. I was stuck where I was. I couldn't move but, I want to hear what I wanted from Keith's mouth. I wanted him to hold me, look deep into my eyes and kiss me. I traced my lips with my fingers wanting to feel the same sensation I felt before.

Standing won't do anything. I reached my hand out to the doorknob and turned it slowly. Just as I was about to walk out, my eyes widened by the sight before me. Keith's tantalizing eyes met mine as we stared at each other. He's here right in front of me. We continued to stare but then he was the one who broke the silence this time.

"Wh-what do you I think you're staring at?!" He hissed under his breath as he avoided eye contact with me. His cheeks were starting to redden as he stepped into my room and closed the door.

"What are you doing h-here?" I couldn't believe what I just said. I stuttered. I, Brienna A. Spencer, a former mafia member stuttered. I looked down at my bare toes and tried to calm my punting heart.

"You were crying." He said softly which still mad it's way to my ears. So he saw that. I clenched my hands into fists and did my very best to act how I always am, emotionless.

"Hmmm, I see." I look back up to see Keith's soft eyes on me. "Well, it is nothing of your concern so," I walked to my bed and pulled my covers up and got in,"I'll be going to sleep." Please, please think I'm going to sleep. I closed my eyes and laid motionlessly on the king sized mattress.

"Don't give me any of that crap now!" He raised his voice which made me snap my eyes open in fear that someone might hear us again. "I came all the way just to see you and this is the thanks I get?!" The blanket was forcefully yanked out of my body,"You-"

I cut him right off and opened my mouth to speak," Hush!" I glared at him harshly which tore my heart,"If someone barges into my room like last time I won't forgive you." Keith was taken aback by my austere voice. He frowned but then his face looked like it was about to explode.

"Then don't!" The next thing he did completely shocked me.

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