Chapter 1: Naruto Uchiha?

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys he's over here!" He yelled as a small crowd of villagers and ninja alike came by. Naruto was grabbed by his black hair and threw against the wall.

"Please stop!" He cried out only to get punched in the gut.

"Did you stop when you killed my little brother?! Huh?!" A Chunin said as it punched Naruto again.

"Pin the demon by his hands with a kunai so it cants get away!" A villager yelled. Another Chunin smiled wickedly and took one of Naruto's arms pinned it against the wall. "Take this demon." He yelled as he stabbed the kunai in each hand, pinning him to the wall.

Naruto experienced pain. But this was a new type. He screamed out in agony as he cried. The villagers seemed taken aback for a second. This wasn't a demons scream, no, this was a little boys scream.

"It's the demon trying to trick us!" A Genin shouted. The others were quick to agree before they started torturing him again. Naruto watched as a nearby village held a knife and stabbed him in the stomach before twisting it. Naruto screamed again in pain.

When the villager went to do it again, Naruto saw everything turn into a black grey color as he saw everything in slow motion. He watched as the villager looked wide eyed before being engulfed in a huge flames.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A young voice called out. The villagers, Chunin, and Genin alike were all quickly disposed of by the Jutsu. Naruto closed his eyes as he felt the kunai being taken out of his hands as he fell to the ground.

"Oh kami. Naruto, I'm sorry I couldn't get here fast enough. I was just appointed to ANBU and stuff and I didnt..." He stopped as he watched Naruto open his eyes. His breath hitched.

"Sharingan..." He whispered. Naruto looked at the boy who saved him only to see a weasel mask. Naruto saw the boy had red eyes with tomoes.

"You have cool eyes." He said before passing out. Itachi Uchiha chuckled at the boy.

"So do you." He said as he shunshined to the hospital and then to the Hokage's office.

"Naruto was attacked today. Pretty brutally too. But that's not whats important." Itachi said as the Third raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to the attackers?" The Third asked. He saw Naruto as a grandson and he wanted to make sure he got justice.

"I burnt them alive with a fire Jutsu." The Third nodded.

"Now what is possibly more important than him almost dying Weasel?" Weasel, also known as Itachi, took a deep breath.

"He has the Sharingan Hokage-sama." Hiruzen gasped.

"Are you sure?" He asked skeptically. Itachi nodded.

"I'm sure sir. I saw them with my own eyes and my Sharingan was up as well, so it wasn't a genjutsu. But, how does he have it?" Hiruzen took off his Hokage hat.

"I don't know. It could be that Minato's parents were Uchiha, but he has bright yellow hair unlike most. Naruto-kun has black hair. It could be possible." He mumbled to himself before speaking up. "I'm not certain but Kushina or Minato could've had an ancestor that was an Uchiha, and it is dormant because maybe after a certain age, they can't unlock it anymore, but at a young age like Naruto-kun, they could potentially unlock it. But I'm not sure."

Itachi nodded in understanding. "Sir, may I make a request?" Hiruzen rose an eyebrow but nodded. "I would like for Naruto to live with my family. I saw what those villagers did to him. It was brutal. He would be dead if he didn't have 1 tail in him. Plus, I can train him in the Sharingan."

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