"Better but I probably will throw up my dinner."

"And I will be right there." He said turning back to his food.


"I have all of tomorrow off and the rest of the night."

"Really?" I asked smiling

"Mmm hmm." He said smirking

"Yay." We both turned back to our food and continued to eat. We both finished at the same time, so when we were done we walked back to my room.

"Are you tired?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I am going to take a bath."

"Okay." He kissed my forehead and I went to shower.

---Time skip to 3 days before the wedding---
(Counting the wedding day and this day)

The wedding is in 3 days and I'm freaking out. I just woke up and Maxon is not here. I look at the time and it's 11:30. I feel all better and ready to start the day.

I walk out of my room thinking about the wedding. Today is when everything gets set up. Everything is just happier and brighter. I walk into lunch alone and see Amberly, Maxon, my family, the Italians and the selected, but no one else. I look over at Maxon and he is smiling like an idiot. He as been smiling like that all week. He is so excited, I'm excited too. When I sit down he kisses me on the cheek.

"Hello beautiful. Sorry I wasn't there when you woke I had to go to work."

"Of course." He kissed me on the lips softly.

"Hey, not at the table." Amberly scolded smiling. I ducked my head down blushing and everyone else laughed. Even Maxon

"Sorry Mom." Maxon apologized. Soon everyone else came in.

"Sorry we're late we had work to do." King Clarkson said sitting down next to Amberly. She scooted away from him and closer to Maxon. Ever since she found out what King Clarkson did to Maxon, she wants nothing to do with him. He noticed her scoot away and glared at Maxon and I. Maxon looked down at his food. He didn't say anything for the rest of breakfast. I finished my food before Maxon and stood up to leave. I excused myself to get ready for my last dress fitting. Lucy was there along with May other bridesmaid. May's dress was different from Lucy because Lucy is my maid-of-honor. May's dress was really pretty though.

Lucy dress was red as well but with jeweled straps to make her stand out.

I love both of the dresses. Then they bring out my dress and it's the first time I've seen it completely done. I love it. It's so pretty.

"Mary! It's beautiful!"

"Thank you miss, I'm really happy you like it." Mom and Amberly walked in and stopped in their tracks when they see all of us.

"America honey, you look beautiful!" My mom said starting to cry along with Amberly. I hugged both of them. I stepped away from them and we all started talking. The door open and Maxon started talking.

"America do you want t-?"

"Out! Get out!" Everyone yelled at him while I laughed. He walked out of the room with his hands up and my mom and Amberly followed him. The rest of race to the door and put our ears to the door to hear what the we're saying.

A Maxerica Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now