chapter forty-three

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             I don't really remember anything, or want to remember anything from the past couple of days. I've avoided contact with the boys. Contact with everyone. I haven't seen Trinity in a while. It's just been Hamlet and I for about three days now. We've continued on with the tour and I can't remember how many days until we go to America. I am currently sitting in the hotel room and cuddling with Hamlet. I don't know where the boys are. Liz must be with them. I'm so bored, but I don't want to so anything with anyone. I look at my phone and am surprised with notifications from Twitter. Just a couple of girls asking if I'm dead or where I have been. I tweeted back and told them I needed some time alone. There was a knock on my door and there was no way in hell I was getting up to open it.

"Are you awake, Teegan?"


"Can I come in?"

"Yeah." Michael walked in and sat his stuff down on the table and then strolled over to me. He put his hand on my forehead and ran his fingers through my hair.

"How are you babygirl?" I shrugged, and oh shit, I forgot how much I loved his touch. I shrugged and he sat down on the bed in front of me and was quiet. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I heard him sniff a little bit and it made me wonder if he was crying.

"When you uh... when you were talking to your dad at the phone store, um, about what you had thought, did you... did you mean it?" He looked up at me and his eyes looked extremely glassy and his expression was one of the worst things anyone could ever experience. I knew exactly what he was talking about too.

"Michael, I... um..." I trailed off. If I said no, he would know I was lying. If I said yes, he would feel like shit and I don't want that.

"Do you still think like that?" I could now see tears falling down his face, not very many, but they were there.

"Depends on the day, I guess."

"So, you do? Teegan if you felt like this, you know you could have told me and I would have helped you. I don't want you to be sad. You mean so fucking much to me and if I lost you, I wouldn't be able to go on because you are what's giving me motivation to continue. I want to be the reason you have a smile on your face. You are my world, Teegan." He had removed his hand from my body and he had begun pacing around the room.

"Please, say something." He sat down on the floor in front of me.

"I am so fucking in love with you, Michael." I grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

"Please don't leave me. I put you through bullshit that no one should have to deal with. I'm so sorry." I kissed him again, but he pulled back. He didn't say anything. He just sat and looked at me.

"Michael what's wrong?"

"Do you really think I'd ever leave you?"

"I think it could happen." He looked down and laughed.

"Baby, I'm wrapped around your finger. There's no way in hell I'm leaving you. Don't even think about that." Michael stood up and climbed onto the bed with me.

"Can we come in now?" I heard Ash from the other side of the door. I giggled as Michael yelled at them. Luke came sprinting through the door and jumped on top of Michael and I. Calum was already all over Hamlet and Ashton was standing on top of the other bed. I thought that they were they only ones here, but I was wrong.

"What's up whores?" Trinity walked in.

"Hey bitch, where have you been?" I stood up and hugged her.

"I went to go see my parents. They thought I was lost because I didn't really tell them I was coming with you guys, but oh well."

"Teegan, we have a little get together thing later with the 1D boys, do you want to go?" Luke questioned. I looked at Michael with eyes that implied I didn't want to go.

"Yep, she'll be there. She needs to get out." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. Luke had now sat up and was beside me lurking though my phone.

"As of now, what should we do?" Ashton asked as he jumped up and down in the bed, his head almost touching the ceiling.

"Oh! I have someone I want you guys to meet. I have known her for a long time and she has always been a fan of you guys and we haven't always been very close, but she lives across the street from me. Her name is Sophie and she's pretty darn rad. I invited her over and she should be here soon." Trinity informed us.

"Is she hot?" Ashton raised his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up you horny bastard." Trin laughed.

           A couple of hours had passed and Sophie had shown up. She hit it off with Ash right away. I liked her even though we had said like three words to each other. Everyone was sitting on the floor or laying on the bed and they were in a deep conversation about how pineapples don't grow on trees.

"I swear we've driven past like sixty pineapple farms and they were on trees hanging down!" Michael fought with Luke.

"Ha! Look at this. I found an entire website about how pineapples don't grow on trees. You're wrong Michael!" Luke yelled back and shoved his phone in his face.

"Okay, what the fuck? Mike, we haven't driven past any 'pineapple farms'. I don't even think thats the right term." I interrupted.

"I told you! They grow from the stem and that makes the rest of the pineapple come up." Luke stated confidently.

"Wrong. They actually grow from the bottom of the fruit and the stem is at the top."

"You're lying. I won't believe you."

"Teegan is right. Just Google how pineapples grow and you will get exactly what she just said." Soph backed me up with pictures off of her phone.

"How do grapes grow?" Cal butted in.

"Um, have you never heard of a vineyard?" Ashton asked like Calum was stupid.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with grapes?"

"Oh my god, Calum grapes grow in vines. You guys are so fucking stupid." Trinity laughed. I rolled over so I was now laying on my back and I picked up my phone. Hamlet crawled up in the bed and laid his head on my chest. This dog is so fucking amazing. I heard a camera snap and looked over to see Mike to my right taking a picture of me admiring my pupper.

"What time do we need to meet the other boys? If it's any later than right now, I'm not going." I asked Mikey.

"Oh please, whatever time they want us to come over, you're going. Enough said. You might as well start getting ready, I think we're going out." He sassed me.

"Come on Teeg, we can go get ready together." Trin said as she and Sophie stood up and walked over to my bags.

"I don't want to go out." I groaned.

"C'mon babygirl. Please?" Mike stuck out his bottom lip and pulled his puppy dog eyes. I shoved his lip back in his mouth and stood up.

"Fine, but I'm going to complain the entire time."

"That's fine with me. As long as I get to be with you, I'm good." He kissed my forehead and walked off.

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