chapter forty-two

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"Oh my fucking god. Is this really happening?" I nervously laughed and bent down to catch my breath.

"Yeah it is, sunshine. Now, let's get to fuck outta here before I have to kill someone." My dad tried to get me to comply.

"Wait, slow down. You don't wanna know how I am? If I'm better without you? How I'm still alive?" I sarcastically asked him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Wait, why should I start asking now, if I've never asked before?"

"You know what? You're the biggest douche anyone could ever meet. I put up with all of your bullshit because I thought that it would eventually get better and you were still sad about mom. But no. I should've let you kill me. I should've died because you would have lost everyone and then where do you think you would be?"

"Not here, I know for a fact." he snorted.

"You." I walked closer to him.

"Are a fucking dick. You have put me through hell and all you do is use me as a punching bag. Why would you think I would come back to you? I've thought about killing myself just to get it over with. A whole bottle of sleeping pills or a quick slice up my wrist."

"Teegan, please stop." Michael pleaded, but I ignored him.

"When I sat outside at night, I often thought about sprinting in front of a car because they go pretty fast on our street. Jumping off of the bridge over by the lake or drowning myself. Anything that you can think of, I thought of, plus more. And here we are. I stayed alive because I knew you needed me. The only reason you're alive, is because I'm alive. I know you aren't going to admit it, but it's true." I took a couple steps back and stood next to Aiden.

"Hey, do you think that you could make shit happen now?" He nodded and looked back at his dad. He clicked his gun and walked forward. I looked over at Michael and whispered 'I love you'. He was the last thing I saw before everything went black. I could hear, but I couldn't see. I didn't know what happened. When I got my vision back, it was quiet and everything was still. I looked around to see everyone in the same spots as before, but they were stuck. After I did a full circle, I was face to face with a bullet.

"What the fuck?"

"Hey, that's no language a young lady should use." I turned towards the voice.


"Hi babygirl. Look at you, you're all grown up. You look so much like me. I knew you would be beautiful." She walked closer to me.

"Am I dead or on drugs?" She just laughed and continued to walk to me.


"Then how are you here?"

"Well, since I'm dead, I'm able to stop time with the help of a certain upper hand." She was standing right in front of me and I was so confused.

"I'm here right now to tell you something. You might not want to hear it, but I really don't care." I laughed.

"You're the same as I remember." She smiled.

"Teegan, I'm sorry I didn't ever stop your dad. I would talk to him about it after you left or went to bed, but he would just shrug it off and tell me he'd quit. It's my fault that he continued to do this and I'm the reason he caused you so much pain." She looked down as she spoke.

"What are you taking about? Why is this your fault? He's a stupid fucking drunk that didn't want to face reality because he knew it was bad. None of this is your fault." She reached out and ran her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry I let go. I tried to fight as hard as I could so I could stay with you, but that's not what happened. He wanted me to come to him so he could show me how fucked up your dad is and how great you would be. Oh and the boys, please stay with them. They are what's keeping you alive. I know you talk about how you don't need help, but they are why you are still here today. Luke will always be there for you so talk to him once in a while. Just tell him how you are doing because it hurts him that you are always on Michael. If Michael touches you in a way that hurts you, drop him. I don't fucking care how much you love him. I took nine months to make your heart, don't let some boy break it in 15 seconds." She looked at me and I saw a couple tears fall.

"Now, I'm supposed to ask you a question and tell you about either answer, but I'm not giving you a choice. So you better move out of the way a little bit and get ready for this because I want him to end up in Hell. I love you so much and I'll see you when it's your time." She pulled me in for a hug and we stood there for a couple seconds.

"I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. Look out for me when you know I'm there. See you later, babygirl." And with the, she was gone. I heard a bang and my hair flew back.

"Teegan, move!" Aiden jumped up and over to me so that I was out of the way. His dad had shot my dad in his thigh and he fell. He had guys beating up the other men with my dad. Aiden helped me get back up and then I walked towards my dad. Aiden had taken his gun and was beside me.

"Do you want this?" He asked, referring to the gun.

"Nope, but could you go help get the boys cut out please?" He nodded and walked off. Hamlet walked up next to me and put his head underneath my hand.

"You dumb bitch. Oh, I should have killed you when I had the chance." He spat at me through his teeth.

"You didn't have the balls." I crossed my arms and looked down at him.

"And you do? You're not going to kill me, I'm your dad." I saw a baseball bat out of the corner of my eye and got an idea.

"Oh really? Hey Aiden, can you toss me that?" I smirked and he nodded.

"I'm gonna hurt you like you hurt me." I said before the bat came down and hit his leg that had an open wound. He screamed and yelled and I didn't stop. Like earlier, everyone around me was still. I didn't even think about how crazy I looked or if he was already dead. I wanted him to feel the way I did when he told me he hated me for the first time. I closed my eyes, but my arms were still moving. I was screaming at him, but I couldn't actually make out the words i was saying. My chest hurt and my face was wet. With on last swing, I fell to the ground. My entire body felt heavy and I was trying to catch my breathe. I opened my eyes to see my dad still breathing, but his eyes were closed. I stood up and dropped the bat. Hamlet was behind me and once again, he moved his head underneath my hand. I wiped my face and looked up at everyone. Michael was closer than I thought and he looked worried. I'm sure he was worried because of what they had just seen. I'm sure they're all worried.

"Teegan, are you okay?" He said, barley above a whisper. I looked at him and and shook my head. He almost sprinted over to me and held me. I felt like dead meat. Michael didn't let go for a while. I could hear everyone around us moving, but that didn't stop Michael. I slid my hands around his waist and used him as support to hold me up. He moved his hand up to my head and started rubbing it. I rested my chin on his shoulder. I lightly pushed myself off of him so that I could try and pick up the mess we had made.

"Hey Teegan, that's fine. You don't need to worry about the mess." Aiden's dad smiled. I walked over to him a have him a hug.

"Thank you so much."

"It's my job. If you need anything else, you know where to find me. Oh yeah, the cops with come pick him up, so just leave him there."

"I thought you were against the cops."

"This bastard deserves to live knowing what he did and with a beating like that, those scars are gonna look dope. And what he'll have to tell everyone. He was beat up by a girl." He laughed and let go of me. I smiled at Aiden and headed towards the door.

"I'll call security to pick us up." Ashton informed us with a quiet voice. I sat down on the curb and Hamlet was by my side. I laid my head down in his back.

"Guys, what the fuck just happened?" I asked still kind of dazed.

"Well, you just showed everyone that we all underestimated your power." Cal spoke.

"And you just beat the living shit out of your dad." Luke added. Never would I have thought that I would hear that directed towards me.

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