chapter twelve

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"Hamlet! What the fuck are you doing?! How did you get in here?!" I yell at my 3 month old puppy who is currently tearing up something of Luke's. He sits down and tilts his head looking adorable as hell.

"Fuck you and your looks." I say to him and he jumps up on my leg with his tail wagging.

"Mike, go pick up the mess Hamlet made and I'll make you food." I glance at him when I walk past and he groans.

"But I don't want to."

"But I told you to."

"Just cause you told me to do something doesn't mean I will."

"SIKE! Bitch you can think that, but you're gonna go do it." I smirked at him when he got up.

"God, I hate you sometimes." It was only Mikey and I at Luke's house. The boys had gone to do something and his parents were at work. They had so much food in their house. It was like living in fucking Walmart. I pulled out some chicken nuggets and looked for mac and cheese. I got what was left of the French fries and started to cook. It was too quiet so I played some music off of YouTube. Ed Sheeran came on and I couldn't help but sing along. I guess Michael walked into the kitchen and came up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and lay his head on my shoulder.

"This smells so fucking good." He snuggles his face into my neck and hums along with the music. He likes to pull little stunts like these out of his back pocket. He'll give me the feels and he won't even know it. Michael isn't a kid to play with a girl's feelings, but he knows how to give the feels. His touch is so fucking warm. I lean my head back to lay it on his. 'What the Hell' by Avril Lavigne came on and I pushed off of him so I could dance and sing along to the song. When the chorus came on, he sang with me and giggled the whole time as I jumped around. 

"Oh shit, I'm cooking." I said when I could smell the chicken and fries start to burn. Mike grabbed some plates from the cabinets for us to use. There was so much macaroni that it almost filled the whole plate. Michael didn't even wait to sit down before he started to eat. He just fucking sprinted and shoved the nuggets into his mouth.

"Fuck! These are so good. I'm going to marry you because you cook like a fucking pro." He says diving back into his plate. I just giggle as I go get some ketchup. 

"I can make a killer bowl of cereal and a bomb box pizza." Michael wasn't sitting at the table and he was getting crumbs everywhere. Liz was going to kill me.

"Michael! Get your ass over here before you spill everything. Liz will kill you."

"Not if I clean it up."

"Knowing you, it isn't going to happen so get over here now."

"Okay mom." He rolls his eyes as I boss him around. Hamlet jumps up into the chair next to me begging for my food.

"Are you excited for tour Mikey?"

"Hell yeah! Its going to be so much fun with the boys, you, and One Direction. Their fan base is really cool and they are nice so I hope they don't hate us."

"They won't hate you, are you kidding me? Your music is so good, plus you are attractive teenage boys in a band." He smirks.

"You think I'm attractive?"

"Oh Mikey, don't let your ego take over." I roll my eyes.

         The rest of the boys came back a little while later with some suitcases and food. Hamlet is laying on my stomach while I'm resting on the couch. There is this fight on Twitter with these two girls over something very stupid, but it was lit so I followed up on it. One of the girls was starting to get extremely pissed so she was bitching at the other girl for not realizing that what she said at the beginning was a joke. Well, that was boring. I put my phone down to see that the boys aren't in the room.

"Luke?" No answer.

"Lucas? Where are you?" I get up and walk around the room and I find the basement door open. Hamlet was still laying on the couch so I walked down the stairs to go talk to the boys. I guess they didn't hear me when I came down because they continued their conversation like I wasn't there.

"Teegan coming with us isn't going to cause conflict with the others right?" I hear Calum ask.

"No, well, at least I don't think so." Luke answers.

"What if the boys make her leave and they don't let her come back?"

"Michael, the boys aren't mean and they wouldn't do that."

"Security isn't going to let her in." Ashton adds.

"Do you guys even want her to go? Because you seem to be implying that you want her to stay here." Why is Luke so pissed? I was going to have too much anxiety and contemplate whether coming along was a good idea.

"I want her to come, trust me. I just don't want them to be mad at us for not asking if she could come with us." Michael says trying to calm Luke down. I walk around the corner and plop down on the couch beside Calum. Hamlet followed me and jumped onto my lap. They just stared at me weirdly.


"N-nothing. I just didn't expect you to still be here." Luke mumbled.

"I was here when you got here. I don't plan on leaving either." I laughed. There was a long awkward pause before anyone said anything.

"So, um, lets watch a movie." Calum suggested. The boys nodded and Luke got up to go put a movie in. I think he just picked the first one he saw because we were now watching Titanic. I've seen this movie so many different times, I could probably quote every line. I didn't really want to watch so I laid my head on Calum's shoulder and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe where I was in life right now. How was I still alive?

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