chapter five

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I walked into the hospital a couple hours after school ended. Ash had to come here yesterday after the little incident we had. Luke told me they had lied to the doctors about how he got so beat up. Damn, I still feel so guilty. How is he going to pay for the hospital bills?

"Shit, I'm sorry." I say as I run into someone.

"It's- oh hey Teegan. How did you get here?" Michael questions.

"I walked." I don't have a car and I couldn't find Luke after school today and it was hard cause I'm lazy as fuck. He nodded and walked with me to Ashton's room. I was kind of scared to talk to him. We got off to a bad start after my dad kicked his ass. Fuck, I screw up every chance I get with anyone. We entered the room and Ash was laying down in the bed on his phone. He had a black eye and some stitches on his forehead. I swear it looked a lot worse than this. God, I'm just glad he is okay. He looked up and his face lit up with excitement. I just met this kid and he is so fucking happy to see me.

"Teegan! Look, I'm okay! I thought it would be worse, but I'm okay!"

"I'm extremely happy that you are okay, but if it isn't that bad, can't you leave?"

"Yeah, but the food here is phenomenal." I giggled at his comment.

"Ash, I'm sorry he did this to you. You guys weren't meant to see any of that and he overreacted and-"

"It's okay. I'm okay, so it doesn't affect me much, but as for you, are you okay?"

"I didn't even feel anything to be honest. I have taught myself how to block out the pain. It's been going on for so long that all I get are cuts and bruises."

"You're one tough motherfucker." I heard Calum say from behind Michael and I. Luke was with him.

"What can I say, I mean, just look at me." I say as I giggle. The doctor came in and said that Ashton can leave now. He sighed and got up.

"Well, looks like we have to leave." Ashton said as we walked out.

Later on we decided to go to Calum's house because his mom wouldn't question Ashton's cuts and stitches. When we walked in, we were approached by Cal's dog. He is so freaking cute. He mainly stayed near me cause I was a new smell. Calum led us to his backyard so we could go sit out there and talk. When we got there we all sat down and it was quiet for a while before someone spoke up.

"So, can we talk about your dad?" Michael asked leaning forward a little bit. Oh shit. 

"Um.. I guess. What do you want to know?" I say kind of scared to hear their response.

"Everything. Just start with the beginning and tell us your story. " Michael says.

"It's a l-long story.." I laugh awkwardly as I try to stall.

"We've got time." Calum says smirking. Fuck, I don't want to do this. We just met and I'm scared.

"When I was born, my parents were perfect. Like the ones you would see in the movies. My life was good for about four years. My mom was diagnosed with leukemia and it upset my father, a lot. He would hit me a couple times, but then he would tell me he was sorry and it wouldn't happen again until his temper was brought to a high level. Because my mom was in the hospital, she never found out that he was hitting me. A couple years went past and I would get an occasional slap, but my mom was for sure she won her battle. Little did we know, God wanted us to be torn apart and live in pain. When I was seven she passed on my birthday and I haven't celebrated it since then." I could feel the tears coming and fuck I wanted to let them fall, but I couldn't.

"One day when I was eight, I had just got home from school and my dad would be home in like five minutes, I sat at the table to do my homework and I heard my dad yell my name from behind me. I got up and looked at him and he turned on the stove and just looked at me with disgust. He told me to get on top of the stove and just lay on it, but I refused to do something so extreme like that. He pulled my arm up and held it on the hot metal rods. I remember not making a sound or wincing in pain. I just looked at him. H-he held my arm there for about three minutes and you could smell the burning flesh. I was lucky to still have skin on my arm." I looked down and couldn't continue as I started to choke on my words. I looked up to see the boys with glossy eyes and they looked like they had just seen a puppy be murdered. I looked back down and laughed.

"I've got a pretty fucking cool scar from it though. You wouldn't believe the amount of stories I've made up." I say as I pull up my sleeve and show, them. If they think that is bad, I've got plenty more.

"I'm done for now. I don't really want to continue."

"There's more?!" Ashton asks with wide eyes.

"Loads more."

"I promise one day that we'll get you out of this town and away from your dad and travel the world." Michael says to me as he stands up to give me a hug. He pulls me in and I can't keep myself from smelling him because damn, it was a nice aroma. That's a big fucking turn on. Luke's phone starts to ring and we all just look at him to see who it is.

"Hello?" Luke says to the person on the other line. Calum's dog runs out the door to come see us along with this gorgeous girl.

"Moms home Cal- who is this? Oh that sounded rude, I'm Mali Koa, Calum's sister." She says with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Teegan, one of Cal's friends." I give her the same smile.

"Guys, uh, my mom called, and she's pissed." Luke says worriedly.

"Shit we better get going now then." Ashton says as we all sprint out to his car. This should be good.

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