chapter thirty-nine

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              Niall had somehow gotten me to play some Wii game with him and we were dancing around like idiots. Liz was on the phone with Andrew and I have no clue where Trinity had gone with my dog, but she took Calum with her, so therefore, she's okay.

"Niall, what the hell are you doing?" I almost fall to the ground because of how stupid he looks.

"I'm dancing like the damn guy on the TV. What does it look like?" He started doing it again and soon enough he was laughing too. His accent was so thick and I love it so much, plus it adds on to him being hilarious. I could hear Ashton giggle and Michael telling him to shut up. Once the song ended, Niall chose a duet for us to do. At first it was an okay dance, but Niall had to have his hands all over me throughout the whole thing.

"Has Teegan moved on?" Luke walked up and smacked Mike's shoulder.

"Mate, they are just playing a game, she doesn't like him." He turned his back and continued whatever he was doing with Cal.

"Oh shit!" I fell over Niall's leg. He tried to catch me, but he ended up grabbing my boob and accidentally shoving me down.

"I always walk in on the perfect moments." Trinity walked over to me, trying to contain her laughter. Hamlet sprinted to my side and laid down with me. She handed me a box and it was full of donuts.

"Oh my god, you must love me more than Mike."

"What? Who's loving you?" Michael looked over at us.

"Trinity is." She laughed and nodded her head.

"Listen, I will fight you. So you better back off."

"Oh my god Mikey you can't beat her up."

"Wanna bet?" he challenged. I stood up and smirked.

"I could beat you up, so that means you can't beat up Trin." I sprinted over and jumped on his back and started kissing all over his neck. He stood surprisingly still and he was able to hold me up.

"This isn't working, baby." he giggled a little bit. So I got down and pouted. He laughed and started tickling me. I tried my hardest to keep a straight face and not flinch, but I failed. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Mikey tapped my chin for me to look up and when I did, my eyes were caught by his emerald orbs. For a moment, I thought that I was flying with no care in the world and I was free, but I was soon brought back to reality by some guy yelling at the boys to get ready because they are on in 15 minutes. Michael didn't move when Luke told him they needed to head to the dressing room.

"Mike, we gotta go." Cal said with his hand wrapped around Trin.

"Yeah, one sec." he brought his hands up around my back and squeezed me. His lips were on my forehead, then on my nose, left cheek, right cheek, and finally the reached my lips.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

"And we also love you, but Mike and we need to go."  Trinity laughed at Cal and sat down on the couch. Mikey let me down and kissed my forehead again. Calum walked over to Trin and they kissed.

"Ooh, are you guys a thing?" I really, really hope they are.

"Are you guys a thing?" Trinity retaliated and I looked at Mike.

"Well, Teegan, will you go out with me?" He rose his eyebrows slightly. I giggled and out my hands on his chest.

"Ew, boys are gross." I pushed his face away and he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey! Stop that!" He started to stick out his bottom lip.

"Of course Michael, I will go out with you."

"That's my girl" Trinity giggled.

"Okay Mike, you gotta go."

"I know. Make sure you're watching us."  He walked past me and tapped my butt. Calums and Trinity kissed in last time and then he left along with Michael. I sat down next to Trin and Hamlet hopped on my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and I sighed.

"We have gotten ourselves into a hole load of trouble." we both laughed at her comment, but to be honest, I didn't know what to expect from here on out. Is he going to treat me different because we have a label? Is Luke gonna kill him? I don't really care what happens, as long as I have Trinity and my boys by my side.

         All of the boys put on a great show, as expected, and we were heading back to the hotel. Michael was half asleep and he was half on top of me. I was sat in between Mike and Hamlet. My dog was sitting up for once and I can't believe how big he has gotten. He is now tall enough to rest his head on mine when we are sitting. That's how he currently was.

"Hey Teegan, you and Mike are okay with sharing a room right? Cause Trinity and Calum want a room together. Just please, no funny business." I smiled at her mom-ness.

"I promise I won't get naked in front of Michael." I crossed my heart with my finger and she smiled at me. We turned the corner to the hotel and Mikey had started to drool on my shoulder. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I couldn't reach it because Michael was all up on me.

"Okay, baby you gotta wake up." He groaned and laid his head down in my lap.

"Mikey, get up. We can go cuddle in the warm hotel bed."

"Wait a secon..." He dozed off before finishing. I situated his head so that he was facing me and I opened his eyes.

"Wake the fuck up, please." He smiled and leaned forward.

"Okay whatever, princess."

"Princess? You've never called me that."

"It suits you well, cause I'm going to treat you like royalty."

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