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    Vanessa was the only one whom I really relied on. She was the best sister that I could ever have. She was the only one I had. Five years ago, I lost my parents in an accident. I still remember everything to this day. It happened like how it does in movies, you know...the parents go out and then something happens to them and everyone is like, what how? why them? They were so sweet and polite people. Well, yea to me it happened like that. It started off with my parents leaving for Bon Jovis concert. The concert tickets were really supposed to be for my mom and a friend but her friend got sick, so my mom practically begged my dad to go along with her. While my parents were out I stayed at home with Vanessa watching The Little Mermaid. We had nothing else to do, plus it was one of my many favorite movies to watch. But we were mostly up just to wait up on my parents. It was around 1:00 am when they called Vanessa to tell her that they were on their way home and it would take them about 30-40 minutes to get home. I was really tired and knew that I needed to go to sleep because I had school in the morning. I didn't really care at the time, I just wanted to stay up late to watch TV with my sister. But we began to worry, it was 2:50 am and they were still not home. "Maybe there's traffic ya know?" said Vanessa. So we kept waiting on them, but it was already 3:30 am and I had a bad feeling. Vanessa was going to call and ask why they were taking too  long. She pulled out her phone and right when she was about to call, her phone rang. "MOM, DAD where are you guys? It's late and..." she went silent and listened through the other end, her face became pale and she looked straight at me. That's  when I knew that something was wrong. "Hayley we have to go now! Put on your shoes, mom and dad are in the hospital."

   The only thing that I  could feel was a sharp pain in my chest. Crazy thoughts began running through my mind. When we got there we came across my dad, to our surprise he only had cuts on his forehead and arms. But my mom...we were told that she hit her  head too hard causing her brain to swell up. I remember how we were all depressed, so scared for the outcomes. We prayed and hoped that she would get better in time. But, my mom had been pronounced brain dead. We saw the doctor approaching us and we were hoping that he would give us some great news, but by the look of his face it didn't seem like they were good. "Mr. Jones, girls....I am so sorry to be giving you all this news, your wife has passed." At that moment everything stopped for all of us, my dad tried to be strong for us but we told him it was alright to cry.

   Four weeks had past since we loss my mother, things weren't so well. I began to loose sleep, barely wanting to eat, I didn't want to do much of anything. I would shut myself out from the world. My sister and dad on the other hand tried everyday their very hardest to go on. Now, a month had past and I was beginning to do better. I tried keeping my head up and look forward to the future. Everything was going pretty fine...until another tragic thing came along. I lost my dad. He had also died in a car accident along with his friend from work. We were told by witnesses that the car slammed into a tree really bad causing the car to set in flames instantly. My teenage years were really hard but even though all of that happened, I still manage to carry on and look forward. Now I am 20 years old and can't wait to be 21. Everything was great, I was currently working as a waitress at Ihop. My sister was a vet at pestmart, she really enjoyed it. We were happy again and waiting for what the future would hold for us.

Just my luckWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt