Chapter fifteen

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Authors note: Thank you so much for 2.24k reads!!






I shriek out on pain.

"Let her go!!" I hear Ian yell, before I fall to the floor.

I look up and see Ian holding Armelle back. She's years older than him, she can get through him. I then see Armelle wrap her hand around his throat and hold him against a wall.

"Ricky!" She yells and then holds her hand out.

He grabs the mop behind it and snaps a piece off of it. He throws it to her and she holds it in front of her chest. ITS WOODEN!! She's going to kill him.

I can feel myself losing blood as my vision starts to blur. Then. Nothing.

I wake up in my bed and my thoughts immediately go to Ian.

I feel a weight on my bed and look over and see Ricky sitting there.

"Where's Ian?" I ask.

"Nice to see you too." He smirks.

"Haha," I say sarcastically, "where is he?"

"Fine," he says, "he's fine, Armelle didn't kill him. If you ask me I say she should have."

"Well, nobody asked you." I say angrily.

"You're an odd girl you know."


He stares at me.

"Can I see Ian?" I ask.

"Aww do you love him." He says.

"Just answer the question you dick."

"Ok, go whatever." He says and leaves himself.

I get up and walk to Ian's room.

"Ian?" I ask as I walk in.

He gets up and runs up to me. He closes the door and then holds me in a big hug.

"I thought you were dead." He says, I can hear the tears in his voice.

We pull away from our hug and then go sit down on the bed.

"So, what did Armelle say when she pulled you away this morning?"

"What?" He asks, "oh that. She said that I could never be with you. She says that it would never work out a vampire and a human. But you know what, fuck that, because tomorrow we will be a vampire and a vampire."

"Tomorrow?" I ask.

"Now." He replies.

"Ok," I reply, "let's do it."


He sits closer to me and then starts to explain what he will do.

"Ok, so I'm going to bite my wrist so it bleeds. Then when it's bleeding you will drink the blood from my wrist. After you drink the blood," he stops for a second, "I have to kill you. Then you have to drink-"

He stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You have to drink human blood. There's no humans in this house." He says in a worried voice.

"Yes there is," I say, "Carly."

"We don't have to do this now if you don't want to. I can get a human and bring them ba-" I cut him off.

"I don't have to kill her though?" I ask.


"Then I'll go talk to her and convince her to an-" he cuts me off.

"You don't seriously want to risk her finding out, do you?"

"She'll find out anyway."

"Oh, ya I guess."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

I get up and start to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He laughs as he pulls me back to the bed.

He starts to kiss me. The kiss is passion filled and I realize this will be my last kiss as a human. I he will be my first kiss as a vampire. I pull away and he try's to pull me back.

"I gotta go talk to Carly." I say.

"I hope she agrees." He says as he lets me go.

I start to walk down the stairs hoping she's in the kitchen.

I can't believe that soon I will be a vampire. Well, if Carly agrees I will be.

MY VAMPIRE KIDNAPPERWhere stories live. Discover now