Chapter four

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Authors note: hey, thank you so much for reading:)

I'd like to give a shoutout to jess__3 for complementing my book today at school.

If you are reading this after when my book is really popular, yes, my friends from school are the only ones who read it.

Speaking of people reading my book, wow, 25 views that's awesome. It's all happening so fast. I can still remember my first vote. Probably because it happened yesterday. Well anyway enjoy this chapter.

I couldn't help but jump up and run as soon as the bell rang.

What Ricky had said really creeped me out.

I was just glad that the day was over.

When I see Kate I run over to her.

"Dude, why are you running everywhere? Are you a little to excited for the party?" She asks me as I almost knock her over.

The party! I completely forgot about the party. The party that Ricky was throwing. The party that Ricky would force me to go to. The party that Ricky would be even more creepy at.

My smile quickly turns into a frown.

"Are you okay?" She asks me, obviously noticing my frown.

I nod at her as I fake a smile.

"Okay," she says a little sceptically, "see you tonight."

I turn around and leave the school.

As in walking home I hear a noise. Bushes rattling, a stick being snapped. I quickly start to run home. Why am I so scared?

When I get home I slam the door behind me breathing heavily.

"Sweetie are you okay?" My mom asks me noticing somethings wrong.

"Ya, I'm okay"

"Good! Now I made you cupcakes to celebrate."

"Yay! So um, anyways, there's this party tonight and-"

She stops me before I can finish the sentence.

"Sweetie, as much as I don't like you going to party's, it was your last day of high school, so, I say that u can go to this party. Awwwww my baby's all grown up."

"Thanks so much mom, even though you kinda made it weird at the end."

"Now eat one of my cupcakes." She says pointing to the arrangement of cupcakes on the table.

"I'm so glad you're a pastry chef. I mean, I love cupcakes."

"Thanks sweetie, so what are you going to where to this party?"

"I don't know, probably some black leggings and a sweater."

"You mean exactly like what you are wearing now?" She asks letting out a sarcastic gasp.

I giggle. Then I get up and head to the stairs to go to my room.

"I'm going to go take a shower and then text Kate to ask her when to go to the party."

"Will you need a drive there?"

"No, Kate says that it's close so I can walk."

"Ok sweetie, you better go have a shower you stink."

I walk up the stairs and grab my pyjamas out of my room.

I head to the bathroom and throw my pyjamas on the counter.

I stick my hand in the shower and pull up on the tap. I take of my clothes and hop in. The heat feels amazing. The only thing I don't like about showering is that it gives you time to think.

And right now all I'm thinking about is Ricky.

How could he kiss me? How could he follow me around all day? How could he tell me he'd make me go to this party? Could he make me go to his party?

When I'm done in the shower I get out and put my pyjamas on.

I then run to my room, plop down on my bed and text Kate.

Me: hi

Kate: hey

Me: so at what time should I be at this party?

Kate: u should be there around 8:30ish

Me: is that when ur going to get there?

Kate: yup

Me: ok see u then

Kate: yup I g2g get ready text me a pic of what u wearing later

Me: ok


A couple of boring hours later after I have already got ready and texted Kate, I walk downstairs to leave.

"Bye mom, see you after."

"I love you sweetie."

Before I leave I run back and grab another cupcake.

My mom laughs at me as I close the door.

"I love you too."

I walk for a couple of blocks. I don't even have to look for the address because I can tell just by looking around and listening to music that this is the place.

The front lawn is already scattered in red solo cups and the music is blasted. I wouldn't be surprised if the police came to shut us up later on.

I walk over to Kate when I spot her over with her boyfriend.

"You know, you should just leave them alone." I hear a voice say as I am walking towards them.

I ignore them and keep walking. Then they grab my wrist.

As soon as they touch me I whip around to face them.

I am not surprised at all to see Ricky standing in front of me.

He pulls me along as I fight to get away but he's to strong. He pulls me into a room and I look around.

It must be his bedroom.

He grabs the back of my head and starts kissing me.

I try to pull away but he won't budge.

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