Chapter six

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Authors note: hi, this chapter was fun to write. It felt like the perfect time to introduce Ian, so let me know who's personality do you like better Ian or Ricky?

Shout out to me aleya_111 because I want everyone to follow me. And ya that's a reminder. So enjoy the chapter.

Oh and btw, sorry if this authors note is kinda a spoiler.😈

That emoji is the closest I can get to a vampire because sadly, there is no vampire emoji.

If you are reading this after its super famous and has like a million views hopefully by then there's a vampire emoji.
My dream is not a dream it's my oldest memory.............

I remember my dad going out with his friends to get a drink.

I remember staying home with my mom and playing with my Barbies.

I remember being so happy playing with her.

I remember the knock on the door.

I remember my mom going to answer it.

I remember her dropping the Barbie on the ground.

I remember her crying out.

I remember her telling me that dad was drinking and driving and crashed.

I remember her telling me he passed away.

I remember crying so hard.

I remember running to my room and slamming the door.

I remember my mom taking me out to get ice cream the next day.

My dream jumps to a couple of weeks ago.

I remember being pulled out of class and taken to talk to the police.

I remember the police telling me that my dads case has been opened again.

I remember them showing me pictures of his body.

I remember them telling me his body had been drained of blood.

I remember being told that all of his friends were found the same way.


I remember them asking me there questions.

I remember my mom bringing me home.

I remember her taking me out for ice cream.


My dream jumps to a couple of minutes ago.

The moment when someone is biting me.

"Geneva, wake up!"

My eyes flutter open.

"Dad?" I ask confused.

"No, it's Ricky."

As soon as I hear his name I jump back almost falling off the bed. Wait, bed? How did I get here?

"What am I doing here?" I ask still half asleep.

"Shhhh, don't worry you're safe here."

"Can you take me home?"

"No way, you are not going anywhere little angel." A man who is sitting in the corner says very calmly.

I didn't even notice him until he spoke.

"Wh-who are y-you?" I ask frightened.

"Hi, I'm Ian and you, you are delicious." He says staring at me intently.

"W-w-what?" I ask still staring at him.

I go to get up but Ricky holds me down.

"Ricky, let me go home." I complain, still trying to get away.

"Sorry, Geneva but you can't leave."

"This would have never been a problem if you would have just let me kill her." Ian says as if I'm not even there.

"I told you she's important." Ricky snaps.

"Will someone just tell me what is going on!" I yell as there eyes focus on me.

"Sure, little angel." Ian answers.

"Ricky and I are vampires, I was going to kill you until Ricky stopped me and now we are in this problem," he explains as if it's nothing, "now you are ours."

I almost fall off the bed, again.

"She was going to be ours even if you didn't try to kill her. I told you, she's important." Ricky argues, again.

They both really stretched the word ours as they said it.

"Why do you say it like that?" I blurt out not even thinking.

"Say what?" Ricky asks.

"Ours, you say it ours instead of just ours?"

"No reason." Ricky answers as if he's lying.

"Pft." Ricky laughs as if he knows Ricky is lying.

I quickly jump out of the bed and run as fast as I can.

It seems as though Ian just appears right I front of me holding me from running.

"How did you get here so fast?" I ask my heart still racing from running.

"I told you," Ian starts, "I am a vampire."

MY VAMPIRE KIDNAPPERWhere stories live. Discover now