Chapter three

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Authors note: Before I go on a rant like I did in the last chapter I'd like to give a shoutout to sierra__11 for my first vote and ken_gue for my first comment!!!!!!Thanks so much!!!

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me.

Let me know what you think is going to happen next. Im open to suggestions so plz comment any of your ideas.

Sorry for the cliff hanger in the last chapter but c'mon how could I not stop it there.

Oh and 20 views, that's awesome!!!! I can't believe it!!!

"So, what did you want to talk a-"

I get cut off when his lips smash into mine.

I put my hands on his chest and try to push him away but it only deepens the kiss as he grabs the back of my head.

When he finally lets go of me I take a huge breath in. I nearly suffocated that kiss was too long.


"Shhhhh, baby someone one will here you."

"Get off of me!" I yell as I attempt to get away.

Before I can get to far Ricky grabs my wrist and pulls me back into his chest. I try to pull away but he's to strong. Should I scream for help?

Just as I'm about to scream he lets me go.

"See you at my party tonight babe."

He walks off leaving me in the middle of the hall confused.


All the people pile out of the classes at first people are staring at me but they stop after a couple of seconds.

I run over to Kate's geo class and wait for her to come out.

When she finally does she looks at me and smiles. Her red stripe in her long black hair really makes her goth image pop.

She walks over to me and we head down to the cafeteria.

"I don't know if I want to go to Ricky's party anymore." I confess as I buy my poutine from the cafeteria lady.

"Why not?" Kate asks me disappointedly

"I don't know I'm just not in the mood for a party. How about we go watch a movie and pile up on food."

"As tempting as that is I have been working all month trying to get my figure just right for this party I can't back out now."

"Why? Is there someone important there?"

"Well we all don't have a perfect body like you do, Geneva."

"She's right you do have a perfect body." Ricky chimes in obviously Eve's dropping.

"Where the hell did you come from!?!" I ask him angrily.

"Ya, Eve's drop much?" Kate adds.

"Sorry," Ricky says while putting his hands up in surrender, "I just heard you talking about my party."

"You mean the one Geneva says she isn't going to?" Kate asks sarcastically.

"Wait you aren't going to my party?" Ricky asks sounding very hurt.

"Ricky, can you just leave us alone."

"Fine." Ricky says, his hands still up in surrender.

Kate and I silently walk over to a table and plop down.

"Even though Ricky is a total ass, you still have to go to this party." Kate starts the conversation.

"And whys that?" I ask.

"Because it's our last party as high school students. It's like our last laugh."

"Ok, fine" I say a little bit annoyed.

At that point in the conversation Kate's goth boyfriend, Hunter, walks over.

I tuned out the rest of the conversation. Should I tell Kate why I didn't want to go to the party? Should I tell her about how Ricky had violated me? Should I tell her about how I let him.

No. I did not let him. I fought to get away but he was to strong. Wait, what if he does it again at the party?


I jump at the sound of the bell. Has it really been that long. Have I just been sitting here thinking about it all lunch.

I get up and head to my last class. God, I hope Ricky's not there. I don't even remember what my last class is I just to focused on Ricky.

Wait, why am I focussed on Ricky. I don't have feelings for him. Do I?

When I walk in I'm not surprised to see Ricky sitting at one of the desks. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket when I pull it out I see that I have a text from Ricky.

Ricky: hi

Me:what the hell do u want?

Ricky: geez, I just wanted to know if ur going to my party or not

Me: I am

Ricky: good

Me: what would u have done if I said I wasn't?

Ricky: what would u have done if u said u couldn't come?

Me: I wouldn't go

Ricky: wow, it's nice to see that you would actually listen to me.

Me: now answer my question

Ricky: what was your question again?

Me: seriously?

Ricky: well what was it?

Me: what would u have done if I said I wasn't going to your party?

Ricky: I would have made u go



That made me feel weird. I mean he can't make me do anything. Can he?

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