"Oh, right!" Tanner exclaims, eyes flicking from me to a group of campers eating ice-lollies. His attention span is disastrous. Seriously, if Tanner is your only hope at surviving: you're as good as dead.

I exchange glances with the twins who are trying to hide their amusement. Tanner really is a hopeless case at times.

"Yep. What was it you wanted to say?" I ask, ending this madness.

"Oh, I was going to offer you some advice..." He trails off, still fascinated by the frozen-delights meters away and licks his lips.

"Right, may I have it?"

His eyes snap back to me, growing. "Yes!" he says with a smile before his exterior hardens slightly, "Colton... Colton is something else, okay? His threats are empty, trust me... how do I word this?"

With his pause, my brow furrows – Tanner acting serious is like pigs flying: unheard of. And weird.

He shakes his head. "Look, the easiest way to put this is like this. Colton is like a dog, unprovoked he's a pile of mushiness... somewhere deep inside, anyway... provoked? He acts instinctively he doesn't give what he says or does next much thought. Like a dog, it's in his nature to react when he feels cornered or scared."

"Scared," I echo. Not possible... or is it? I mean we gave Trump the nuclear codes, apparently common sense blows out the windows these days...

"Look, I know it's hard to believe, but yes, Colton's one, true weakness is being backed into a corner. Most of the time he can handle thinking things through, but as soon as he feels like there is no escape, he panics. He doesn't think through anything and he ends up getting himself into trouble."

Unmoving, I blink, tanner watching me carefully, more carefully than his cold treats. "... Okay?"

"It's a lot to take in but it still doesn't excuse his behaviour, he's being a dick. We wouldn't have agreed to let him come back this year after that night if we didn't think he had it under control but this is hard for him, he's bound to explode. Confronting your past is hard. Just don't provoke him." He breathes deeply.

"Um, okay?" Thoughts fly around my head at double time, bouncing off my skull and propelling themselves in the other direction.

I'm about to ask Tanner another question when he takes off sprinting in the direction of the campers inhaling their popsicles. It hangs on the tip of my tongue regardless, is Colton okay?

 It hangs on the tip of my tongue regardless, is Colton okay?

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Time could have not flown any faster, even against my wishes.

The afternoon sun blares oblivious to my inner torment. Six, little boy's and six, little girls stand opposite each other wearing pure-white body armour, only some choosing to pull their protective helmet on over their face currently. Long sticks lie to the side in a cage to avoid any premature fights. I fan myself with a grimace, it couldn't get any warmer in this suit.

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