Chapter 58: Nuisance

Start from the beginning

Reba sighed."Right...of course, sorry." she calmed herself, and Giles sighed in relief.

Jak nodded."Mhm, as you say." He snapped his fingers and sent out a small spark, lighting Guiltare's cigarette for her. She nearly coughed and broke her composure at the sudden bitterness in her mouth, but managed to control herself and nod to the mage, sighing.

Jak stood and walked off, and Morz sighed."...That man is a nuisance."

Guiltare nodded, relaxing herself."True, but he's a useful nuisance." She replied."Learned water and fire magic all on his own in times that'd make ancient wizards jealous."

Reba sighed, pouring herself a drink."Hmm...Well, it took a long time, but I suppose I finally have that...What was it called? 'Empty Nest syndrome'." She chuckled and sipped her drink, sighing.

Guiltare nodded, sitting nearby."True...Giles' has matured so much lately. He has a fiancé to look for once this is done, and I don't think I've ever seen himtrain so hard."

Reba sighed."Mhm...I'm proud of what he's grown up to be."

Guiltare chuckled."Well...If nothing else, gives you more time to think without him always underfoot. Pour me one." She suggested, pointing to the drink, a sugary drink she'd brought from home.

She nodded, doing so."True, true...But, just makes me wonder what my life is now, you know? Been so many years looking after him, and now he's looking after himself."

Guiltare chuckled."Just means you've done a good job at raising him." She replied."...Far better than my father, at least."

Reba sighed."True..." She sighed."...If i'm being perfectly honest, I never saw myself where I am now. Certainly not with the body I have. Probably not with the children I have. And never with a mercenary company." She sipped her drink.

Guiltare seemed curious."Oh? Then what was your plan." She asked.

Reba shrugged."Well, I wanted to be an artist. Used to have a hobby of binding different colors together, gave them a unique sheen." She shrugged."Silly, in hindsight. I don't think my paintings were ever really that good."

Guiltare smiled."I've heard the story about Av'rasca's father and how he proposed. Apparently he thought they were impressive."

She chuckled."Ah, yes...Av was a flatterer to the end." She smiled."...Did think it would be nice to go back home one day, show my masterpiece to my family."

Guiltare chuckled."You could do that now, you know. Giles can take care of our healing, and i'd be happy to give you a leave of absence."

Reba sighed."...A kind offer, but I'll have to decline. This warband is my home now."

Guiltare frowned."Whatever happened, I'm sure it wasn't that bad Reba. They're still your family, they'll forgive you."

Reba blinked."Oh no, my family were very supportive. I had an older brother to inherit from my father, and they paid for me to have lessons." She replied, smiling."It was a nice life, really. My sister was probably the biggest supporter I had, though she was only eight the last time I saw her, I think, so..." She chuckled.

Guiltare smiled."If that's the case, why not go back? I'm sure she-"

"They're all dead."

Reba paused for a moment at her expression, then smiled sadly."...Have you heard of Pyrinza?" She asked.

Guiltare shook her head."In passing, but only the name." She replied.

Reba sighed, a smiled creeping on her face at the memory."It was an island city, around twenty miles offshore from Vas'Tirren, the Deena city. We were a merchant republic, founded on the idea that anyone who worked hard enough for long enough could succeed and have a say in how things are run. We didn't have much of an army, but we never needed one. The Deena liked how so much trade passed through their city to get to ours, and would send theirs if we needed it."

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