A tear slid down my eye, and I quickly wiped it away, watching myself as I weakly smiled at my reflection before leaving my house to meet with Frypan. The skies were still a bright blue and the sun was shining brightly across the sky, oblivious of the havoc that was occurring below. The grass was now mostly brown, slowly dying like the rest of us. If someone were to peek into our world, they would think it was abandoned. 

As I glanced at our once beautiful community, I heard something move behind me. I turned around, my fists  up just in case someone was there, and stared at the bushes where the sound originated from. It moved once again, and I jumped. But instead of a sharp, gleaming knife, a small squirrel shuffled out the bushes and darted across the field. I let go of the breath I was unknowingly knowing, and shut my eyes. I felt my heart pound like crazy. I tried calming myself down before continuing to Frypan's house, looking out for danger.

I reached Frypan's cottage, which was the closest to the dining hall. I peaked through the dust-covered window as I knocked on the door twice. A boy about 14 opened the door, yelling for Frypan before disappearing into the house. I stepped in, shutting the door behind me as Frypan appeared, smiling.

"It's great that you made it Thomas," he said, his sweat gleaming. I smiled back at him. 

For a house that looked so small on the outside, it was pretty large inside. I could see the kitchen from here and a huge hallway with multiple rooms. There were also stairs leading downwards instead of upwards. His kitchen seemed to be the biggest room there, which was probably why he had chosen that house.

"You've got a nice place," I commented. Frypan grinned as he looked around.

"Not too shabby, huh? The kitchen here is better than the shucking kitching in the glade," Frypan said. 

"That's good. You deserve that much," I replied, thanking him through my eyes. Frypan softly smiled at me and nodded.

"Hey Fry, when are we going to eat food?" Will asked, his head popping out from on of the rooms in the hallway. 

"Soon. And say hi to Thomas. Don't be rude," Frypan replied, setting his hands on his hips. 

"Uh, hi!" Will exclaimed. He shut his door before Thomas could reply. 

"Who is that?" Thomas asked, following Frypan to the kitchen, where he poured me a glass of water. I took it, slowly sipping on it.

"I don't really know. His family died in the hospital when Teresa, uh, blew it up," Frypan quietly responded, looking down at his hands. I choked on the water, my eyes wide. After some help from Frypan, I stopped choking. 

"I'm sorry for everything she destroyed," I replied, sorrow filling my eyes. Frypan shook his head in response.

"She's hurt you as much as she's hurt us. You were probably hurt more," Frypan responded. "So do you want a tour?"

I nodded and he lead me to the hallway. He pointed to the first door. "This is my room," he said, opening the door a bit. It was pretty organized; all his clothes were in his closet and his bed was messily made. 

"Whoa, I'm impressed. I was expecting a farmhouse," I replied, slightly chuckling. 

"Hey! Don't be such a shank," Frypan replied, lightly smacking my head. He closed the door to his room and we continued through the hallway to the next door. "That's where Will stays," Frypan informed.

"The rest of the rooms are empty so we keep the doors of them open. We don't want anyone hiding in them," Frypan said. We finally made it to the end of the hallway where the stairs were located. I looked down at the stairs leading downwards and then back at Frypan.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Frypan responded, frowning. "I haven't gone down there. It gives me weird vibes."

Frypan turned to go back to the kitchen and I turned to follow him, but I saw a flash of metal in the darkness of the stairs. I called for Frypan, but I stopped once I realized he was already back in the living room beside the kitchen.

"So how are things going?" Frypan asked, taking a seat on one of the couches. One of his pant legs rose, exposing red cuts.

My eyes widened once more taking in the cuts. I also realized some cuts on his collarbone and red on the side of his shirt. 

"Hey Frypan, are you okay? You've got cuts all over you and blood on his shirt," I told him, worry taking me over. 

He widened his eyes in return as he examined his shirt. "Oh, the red is just from a nose bleed. The cuts are from the squirrel outside. I'm sure you've seen it, right? That shuckfaced klunk of an animal is just too rude. That shank," Frypan replied, his body tense. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. But before I could ask him another question, a sharp knock came at the door. Will burst out of his room to go answer the door. Frypan and I followed him to see Gally standing in the doorway, clutching a knife. Once he locked eyes with Frypan, he snarled.

"Murderer," Gally hissed before lunging for Frypan.


ahahaha guess who's back!

i was supposed to update this yesterday but i fell asleep whoops

sorry for the inactivity; i had multiple tests and writing assignments ( i had at least one test everyday last week ew) and now it's spring break yessss 

the second reason of not updating is that I had a new book idea that i was hyped about and nothing else came to mind so 

i'm trying to prolong the story as much as I can so you guys can keep reading and such and so I can try to put together the best ending as I can. 

i love you guys so much and thank you reading!! 

vote and comment as much as you want, i love reading your comments!

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