Annabeth scrambled up and brushed the sand off her clothes, sending it showering down on Percy. She adjusted her grip on her knife. She didn't trust this woman. The woman could very well be an empousa.

"Perseus Jackson?" The woman asked. She reminded Annabeth of a sort of friendly rabid wolf, after the initial empousa vibe. And she knew Percy's full name. No one but monsters did.

Percy nodded, tensing as well.

"And you are...?"

"Annabeth Chase," Annabeth introduced. Hmm, the woman didn't know her name. Maybe not a monster

"Miss Chase." The woman nodded in greeting. "I'm here under orders," she continued. "Would you prefer to talk here? Or go inside?"

"Here's fine," Annabeth answered. Natasha looked Annabeth Chase over and did a double take. Something was off about her....

Compared to Perseus, Annabeth wasn't much. She was shorter than the boy and had long, curly golden hair that was matted with seawater and sand. Her shirt was orange, worn, thin and very well loved. In her current stance, blinking drops of water from her lashes, Annabeth looked like the least formidable human in the world. But she could see, in the 16 year old's eyes, that Annabeth knew what she was doing, and had been through a lot for her age. She was a leader but could take directions, and had a good, strong, independent will. Natasha could respect that.

Plus, she was holding a knife.

Then she realized what was off about Annabeth (well, besides the knife). She had seen the girl before. There was no doubt about it. Even though it had been years and the memory was fuzzy, Natasha clearly remembered the face of the seven year old that was running down the highway with two other companions. She had seen a brief glance of their faces before she zipped by in the car. Their thin, desperate expressions looked warily at her car as it nearly ran them over. But she couldn't stop to help them— at the time she was in a chase with an her assassination target.

She hadn't even processed they were children before she was speeding away. Not a single drop of remorse ran through her heart.

But now one of them was here, and she could make things right. Fury would just have to deal with it.

Natasha realized they were waiting for her to speak, and she cleared her throat to cover the silence.

"I am Agent Romanoff, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Natasha began. "And I'm here to recruit you... both... to our team."

"I don't do sports," said Percy. Natasha glanced at Percy. Her attention was originally captured by the girl, but now she took notice of the original recruit.

He was darkly tanned like he spent most of his time on the beach. Which, from where they were currently standing, Natasha assumed she was correct. He had messy black hair, but in a cute messy way, like the teenagers Natasha had met that thought they were 'cool'. But Perseus didn't give off the arrogant vibe, and something in his eyes confirmed that fact. She could tell he was a troublemaker and had a mischievous light about him, but also looked as strong willed and brave as Annabeth. So far, Natasha could tell why Fury wanted him on the team. So far.

Percy took Agent Romanoff's silence as a judgemental one and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"You said you were recruiting for a team?" He clarified.

Natasha allowed the faintest of smiles. "Not a sports team," she said. "A team of heroes. To protect the world."

"Again?" Percy asked. Annabeth looked at him sharply, but her face was still a calm, polite mask.

Natasha leaned forward ever so slightly, her curiosity captured. "What do you mean, again?"

"That's classified information that may or may not be disclosed later, depending on the results of this conversation," Annabeth replied firmly. "I think we'll let you talk first, as it's only fair. You came to us, so explain your mission."

Natasha held Annabeth's gaze with a certain degree of respect. The girl was smarter than she looked, Natasha mused.

"My mission, as you call it, is to recruit you to S.H.I.E.L.D.—"

"I don't use shields," Percy interjected.

Natasha exhaled through her nose. "S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. It—"

"What?" Percy asked, dumbfounded. "No wonder you have an acronym for it!"

"Let Agent Romanoff finish!" Annabeth reprimanded Percy sharply. Sally, who was watching them from the cabin, smiled.

Percy had the decency to look embarrassed.

"As I was saying," Natasha continued calmly. "It's an agency that normally does not recruit sixteen year olds when the stakes are so high. But I'm assuming you're not normal sixteen year olds?"

Percy opened his mouth to speak, but Annabeth stopped him.

"It was a rhetorical question," she muttered.

"Our Director wishes for me to recruit you to S.H.I.E.L.D. If you accept, there will be more details filled in later."

"What do you mean, the stakes are so high?" Annabeth inquired.

Natasha allowed another thin smile. "That is classified as a part of the details that are filled in later."

"But it's unethical to request help for something if the people don't know what they are accepting," Annabeth stated simply. "That's the primary basis of deception. Do you have is solid proof that we can trust you?"

Natasha internally smiled, but on the outside, her expression didn't change. Annabeth would've made a good spy. She knew she didn't make a mistake when deciding to include Annabeth.

"Whether or not you believe you can trust me is your own decision," Natasha finally said. "And the stakes are, in your own words, classified information that may or may not be disclosed later, depending on the results of this conversation."

"But the result of the conversation depends on the information given, doesn't it?" Annabeth shot back immediately. "If I am correct, this Director of yours could use our help quite a lot, and it may be a loss if we refuse. We have every right to refuse, but that decision remains to be seen. And you have the power to influence us, if you play it correctly."

"Curiosity is a virtue that does well to be pursued."

"It doesn't matter if I'm curious," Annabeth retorted. "Personal gain is a uselessly powerful influence that is best ignored, or else to suffer dire consequences."

The two held each other's gaze, neither breaking first. Natasha realized she was on the losing side. If they refused, then nothing would happen for them and S.H.I.E.L.D. would crumble. If they agreed, then their lives would be changed, possibly forever, but for a greater cause. But because she was the one that requested help, she couldn't make the decisions. She only hoped that the two would see what was best.

Annabeth knew what the other woman was thinking. And she could tell that their help would be greatly appreciated. The lazy and selfish part of herself insisted that they had done enough for the world, and that it was everyone else's turn. But her hero instincts kicked in and she internally sighed.

"What do you think?" Percy asked in Greek. Annabeth nodded.

"I think we should do it. And hey, there's nothing to lose. Nothing at stake for us."

"Besides our lives," Percy grumbled, but assented. "We'll do it."

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