Chapter Eight

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The next chapter is the finale. : )

Chapter Eight: For Once, Beyoncé is Wrong

Pidge was the first to break the ice that had settled over the room.

"That hair has to be fake. You can't be evil and have good hair, it's against the laws of nature. Like, Kylo Ren, Snape, Voldemort, Betelgeuse , I could go on for days."

"It's not the time to be discussing this Lotor guy's weave. We need a game plan. It would be best to put up a colder front. This guy needs to know that this visit isn't welcome. I know Alteans believe in peace first, but I know that you've already tried that and it hasn't worked," the last part of Lance's sentence was directed towards Allura and Coran, whose mouths dropped in surprise. "We should meet him at the front with our uniforms and bayards, but have the lions in their hangars ready to go in case we must leave the palace. Any objections?"

"When did you become a leader?" Shiro asked, voicing the opinions of the rest of the team.

"I never wasn't," he answered, a half-hearted smile appearing on his face.

"What are we waiting for then?" Keith said, rearing to go. At this, Lance laughed.

"I'm gonna need a hand up, considering I just woke up from a kinda-coma."

"Ohhhhh. Don't worry, I've got your back." At this Keith slid his arms under Lance's knees and back, holding him bridal style. Lance had to look away from Keith, as his face was flushed a bright pink.

"Let's go then."


"Well well well, the new paladins of Voltron," the prince's silky smooth voice echoed due to the arched ceilings of the Castle of Lions.

"What do you want, Paper Lotto?" Pidge said dryly.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME INSIGNIFICAN- ahem. What I meant to say was that I have a.... negotiation of sorts to bond Earth, Altea, and the Galra empire together in a treaty of peace. Earth will be given immunity and Altean leaders will gain major influence in the decisions of our great empire. All that is needed is for our little Altean prince to sign a piece of paper and all three civilizations are set," Prince Lotor answered.

"What is the catch, Lotor?" Allura asked.

"There isn't a catch, dear sister-"Don't lie to me Lotor. There is always a catch with you."

"Hold up: you two are siblings?" Keith interjected, his purple ears standing tall in surprise.

"Only half through mother dearest. She says hello, by the way. Her offer of teaching you magic still stands, Lura," Lotor said with a teasing smirk.

"Haggar may have given birth to me but she never was and will never be my mother as I do not consider you my sibling. Her dark magic is what caused her to abandon me when I was a child!" Allura's voice cracked and tears began to flow from her eyes. As she reached a hand up to dry her eyes, Shiro stepped up beside her and put his arm around her shoulders.

"What's the catch?" Shiro asked. The sharp sound of his voice caused Keith to flinch, reminding him of how Shiro had previously attacked him. Noticing this, Lance slid his hand into Keith's as a way to comfort and reassure him that he was no longer in danger.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a catch, but this alliance is a.... special one to say the least. Once fulfilled, it is practically unbreakable."

"You wouldn't dare... After all that you've done you wouldn't dare!" Hunk interjected, causing Lotor to smirk.

"Looks like the clever yellow paladin has figured it out. I thought for sure it would be green or you, Lura. I will give you a few dobashes to figure it out." After a couple of ticks, Pidge's face turned pale, as did Coran and Shiro's.

"How dare you come into this castle and propose such a... ridiculous trick!"

"Come on.. Even the old man figured it out. Either way, I am tired of waiting on you three." Lotor rolled his eyes before continuing on his spiel. "The sort of alliance I am proposing is, of course, a marriage alliance. It would have been completely improper for Allura and I to wed as we share a mother, but Lance and I share no blood at all. The only small obstacle left in this is for Prince Lance to agree to the alliance. Well, what do you say?"

"If I agree to this... the empire would leave Earth and the paladins of Voltron alone as well as giving Altea a part in instruction of the militia and control?" Lance asked cautiously, careful to not let any emotion show upon his face.

"That's correct."

"Give me thirty dobashes and I will meet you back here." Lance said after a brief, yet heavy pause.

Lotor turned on his heel and left without another word. He knew that he had won.

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