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I sigh as I look out the window only the Lord knows how much I was going to miss New Orleans ......i grew up here mostly my whole life ......and now sense I'm 17 I have to move to ......" Atlanta"... with my parents I know noting about

I was knock out of my thoughts when my grandparents came and sat next to me on the plane

"Aww come on now sweetie it won't be that bad "said my grandma

I countine to pout

"How bout this ....you go down to Atlanta for a while and if you don't like it you can always come back "said my grandpa

"I'll think about it "I said

They both gave me a warm smile

"The plane will be taking off soon please be seated and buckle up please "said the flight attendant over the innercome

I buckled up and sat back waiting for this eight hour flight to began

I know I may sound stubborn but can you blame me .......my grandparents are all I know.....my parents practically threw me in their arms when i was a baby and told them to take care of me which they did a damn good job at doing but still .......my parents have four kids but only gave one away  ......who the fuck does that....umph my parents I forgot .....it hurts growing up they never came to visit not even my fucking siblings .....dont get my wrong they sent birthday gifts and Christmas gifts......but what difference does that make when your not here to share these moments with me ......they never came to not one birthday party .........they could walk pass me on  the street right now and i would never know who they are.......

But that's just the bad talking in my head I always wonder what my parents look like ......like did i get my chocolate skin from my dad and did i get my full figure from my mother ..... is he tall ,is she short, do we have the same curly texture hair ,what do my siblings look like ,do I resemble any of them ,are they nice  .........all of the above

I honestly wanna know why they didn't care for me and just threw me off as if I'm trash .....i sigh......my granny reach over and rub my shoulder....it always seems as if my granny knows when im down before I even know I'm down ...it like she can see the future or some ....... I gave her a weak smile   and put my rose gold beats on an close my eyes ......i have a long trip ahead of me why not catch up on some sleep ........


4 hours later

I was shook awake from my sleep by my granny

"Come on baby get up were here "said my granny

I sigh and put my beats around my neck stood up grab my small bookbag and followed my grandparents off the plane

I'll go get our luggage ....find some seats" said my grandpa

Me and granny nodded

As my papa walk off my granny grab a Hold of me tight and pull me with her

Let's go find some seats she said

How are we suppose to be getting to their house I ask

Their coming to pick us up said granny as she sat in a chair

Hmm they gave me away on time .....why they ain't picking me up on time such a shame I said

My granny look over at me

Baby I told you why said my granny

I turn my head the other way until I saw a restroom and then I had an urge to pee

Undercover Beast ( A WereWolf story)BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now