Chapter 10: Magneto's demise.

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What tipped him off, was the fact that Symphony was dreaming about Magneto getting out of his cell at the Pentagon. That, and the intriguing fact, that Magneto was on the news, having been arrested for killing the president.

Rolling into Symphony's room, and sitting there watching her as she stirred violently in her bed for quite some time, Charles followed her mind as closely as he dared, without awakening her.

It wasn't until she cried out in fear, that Charles made a move to wake her.

You're dreaming. He gently woke her, moving closer to the side of the bed.

Symphony sat up in bed, eyes wide, and tears streaming down her face.

Charles felt sympathy for her, even though he was a little angry.

Symphony could feel his anger with her.

"How much did you see?" She sobbed quietly.

Charles leaned in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Enough." He answered coily.

"Charles, it was the only way to ensure the future, and you asked me to not tell you too much about your own future. The future at stake that we're going to have to fight for... I can't tell you about it, or it won't play out the way we need it to. Many lessons are going to be learned Charles, and I can't interfere with that. All I can do is try to give our history a push in the right direction where I can." She explained, trying to make amends.

Charles was stubborn though. "Symphony, I'm not mad that you tried to give the future a little nudge. I'm mad that you lied to me. You used me Symph, when you could have just told me why you wanted to go out. I still would have helped you!" He scolded firmly.

Symphony looked down. "I'm sorry. I should have trusted you." She whispered, refusing to meet his eyes.

Charles sighed, and turned to leave the room, letting an emotionally distraught Symphony to sit alone, crying.

The next morning, Hank came downstairs, and found Charles trying his best to make breakfast from his wheelchair, barely able to reach the stove.

"Where's Symphony?" Hank asked, taking note of the fact that Charles was the one cooking, and not Symphony, like she normally did.

"Still in bed I assume." Charles answered, obviously not fully caring.

Hank sighed. "She must be tired." He mused.

Charles shrugged. "I would expect so."

Hank noticed how quiet Charles was being towards the matter, and decided to partially change the topic.

"I isolated another genetic marker." He mentioned, moving to take over the cooking.

Charles looked up. "That's good." He nodded. "How soon will the serum be ready?"

Hank frowned. "It may be quite a while. I don't even know if this is the right marker, or if it's just another bogey." He explained, unsure as to why Charles wanted the serum done so soon.

Charles turned to move to the table, giving Hank more room to maneuver.

"How long?"

Hank shrugged this time. "Anywhere from a few months to a few years." He answered honestly, looking up as he heard a thump and a cry. "Sounds like someone fell out of bed."

Charles nodded, looking up as well. "Symphony will handle it." He said with confidence.

Hank watched Charles for a moment, as he stirred the food.

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