17 5 4

Beer and music were my favourite part of the day. Well night. Okay early morning.

Weekends were the perfect time for the four of us- Dahlia, Emma, Charlie and I to hang out till three or sometimes even four. And the opening of a new bar was like a blessing in disguise. We'd met up at the bar at about eleven thirty once everyone got off work and all other tasks were handled. The bar was called 'Puzzles.' It was all I was hoping for- delicious food, good music and excellent service. What more could you expect from a bar?

But still I found myself glancing every now and then towards the women's washroom. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a pervert but Dahlia had excused herself a really long time ago to go there and worrying about her came quite naturally to me. 

Plus, Emma and Charles were getting really tipsy now and I couldn't handle two drunk idiots at once.

"Emma, can you please check the washroom?" I urged.

"Shush. I know you're in love with her and all but can't you let her pee in peace?" she said drowsily.

Charlie, meanwhile was inspecting his nails very studiously as if they were something he'd never looked upon.

"It's been half an hour! No one takes that long in a washroom." I protested.

"Fine, Andy, if that's what you really want. I'll do it for you." Emma replied and got up shakily, walking over in slow motion to the ladies' room, swinging her hair about.

I put my head in my hands to calm the growing ache in it because of having to be responsible for three human beings- two of them being wasted.

"Charlie please tell me you're not THAT drunk." I pleaded him.

"I am- not- very" he started but stopped mid- sentence and as I gestured him to go on he burst out laughing proving that he was a lost case.

My only hope is Dahlia now.

Emma returned two minutes later, jerking along a random blonde- haired girl with her.

"Emma what on earth are you doing!?" I screeched.

"Look I found Dahlia." She sang like a toddler.

"Oh god. I have two children. Two very much drunk and very old children." I muttered to myself.

"Hey Dahlia, why are you so tall now?" Charlie asked quizzically. 

I helped the random girl get free of Emma's hold and muttered several apologies to her, as she walked away giving us peculiar looks. Guess Dahlia's on her own right now.

"Come on, let's get you kids out of here." I commented and took Emma and Charlie by one arm each, dragging them home.


Getting the two home was the worst part. But I had successfully managed to do so. Well I wouldn't say successfully. I had had to knock Emma out because she kept getting away and where Em went, Charlie was bound to go. He followed her like a lost puppy.

But what worried me most, after safely depositing them in our apartment, was that Dahlia still hadn't returned home yet. I had looked everywhere in Emma's house, Dean's place and I'd even rung up the office. 

My last resort was calling Mark but if she wasn't there, I'd be troubling him too. I tried convincing myself that she's an adult and could handle herself. She definitely can.

Yawn after yawn consumed me and I finally decided to go to sleep. I cannot agree more with the fact that yawns are highly contagious. After I'd, once again, checked on Em and Charles, I made my way to my own room and collapsed on the bed. 

And the day pigs fly, will be the day I will sleep peacefully. I was pulled into another one of my reminisces.

Uncle Arthur's house had always been big, rich and lavish. As far as I could remember, all his villas I'd been to in New York, France, Austria, and Greece were some of the best ones in the world. Well, he definitely was rich and extremely snobby. 

Rude and manner less was the entire description of his character. He never once spent any holiday with my family, let alone his own sister. My mom, of course. All he did was send cards. And that too I'm sure was his assistant.

Nevertheless, at least he realized he had an orphaned nephew to look after, only a month after my parents' deaths. That was sarcasm for you.

He sent a car with the driver and randomly picked me up from my house, demanding me to be bought to his estate in NY. Apparently, he'd even enrolled me in those bratty upper class schools as well. 

My whole life had changed in the blink of an eye and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Dahlia. But she had recently cheated on me so my ego overrode my desire.

Yet that night, that one call made me forget everything that had ever happened between us and I forgot all matters at hand. There was only one feeling, one emotion, one name on my mind- Dahlia. And only one sentence was required for that to happen.

At three in the morning, my phone rings and a male voice informs me that Dahlia had been in a car accident and I was her emergency contact.

I correctly remember every detail of that night and guess this night will be remembered too. Not because of the hilarious things Emma did while drunk, or those unnecessary confessions made by Charlie. But that one midnight call I got.

As my phone vibrates violently, I shoot up to grab it in hopes that it would be Dahlia.

"Hello?" I speak softly.

"Are you Andrew Jackson?" a male voice asks.

"This is him."

"Dahlia Grace has been in a car accident and she had your number on the recently dialed so I- "the lady starts but all I can hear is my heart beating wildly in my chest.



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DA DA DAAAMMM!!! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work! You guys rock. Many of you have even commented on how you like my cliffhangers, so I will continue with those because let's just face it, cliffhangers are fun. Even though they may be brutal, they're fun. 

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