@/ TahliePurvis

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An Amazing interview with the lovely TahliePurvis

Firstly, how are you? How have you been doing? How has life been treating you lately?

I'm actually doing pretty good! A little stressed with exams but I'm getting there!

Rapid Fire

When is your Birthday?

My birthday is July 27th

What's the best thing in your life?

My family - they're crazy but they're great ;)

What's the only thing you regret the most in your life till this date?

I saw this cute bag in a store one time and it was a little too much money so I left it saying that I can always come back later. I went back two weeks later, ready to buy the bag and it was gone. I've regretted not buying that bag for so many years.

Would You Rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

Write on wattpad and have millions of readers. Publishing a book would be great but without writing online I'd feel pretty lonely and there would be no readers to immediately talk to anymore!

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

Say everything on my mind. Better to be honest and open all the time then say nothing and hide away.

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

Both of them would probably just stress me out. If I know when then I'll end up treating my life like a countdown of doom and if I know how them I'll be afraid everyday of whatever is gonna to kill me!

The Explanation Segment

What is the most different quality of your that most of the authors on wattpad don't have?

Not too sure what different quality I have honestly! I'm still learning so I suppose I haven't really found things that made my writing more unique to me yet but I guess me being around the same age as my readers can help them relate to me more.

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

Not that bad.

Because honestly even though we always complain and say life is bad, it always has its moments where it proves itself to be pretty good.

What is the first book that made you cry?

I honestly think it was a fanfiction! I never used to get emotional over books but I was really into Twilight fanfic and I remember just bawling!

Do you wanna throw a shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite reader or author? Any special words for anyone?


What do you have to say about all the hating going around on wattpad? We can see a lot of amazing authors leaving Wattpad because of this. What's your opinion? How do you handle the haters?

As Taylor Swift quite nicely says, haters gonna hate but that's the catch when it comes to the internet. Can't have the good without the bad! Ignore it, build from it and never reply to it ;)

Lastly what changes do you want to see in yourself in 2017?

I want to be more productive with writing and finally get books completed instead of always having things ongoing!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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