@/ aggressively

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An interview with aggressively

Firstly, how are you? How have you been doing? How has life been treating you lately?

I’ve been good, winter break has been a much needed relaxation period although I am dreading the fact that school is re-opening in a few days.

Rapid Fire

What is your full name?

Farhiya Aden

When is your Birthday?

February 18

What's the only thing you regret the most in your life till this date?

I don’t hold on to the past, and if there is something I regretted at some point I likely don’t care anymore.

would you rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

I’d rather get published, since I’m already living the wattpad dream.

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

Probably always say what’s on my mind, even though I’d get punched by a lot of people when I can’t shut up.

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

I’d rather know how, knowing when would just stress me out.

Explanation Segment

What is the most different quality of yours that most of the authors on wattpad don't have?

I guess it would be my ability to not care or give in to hate, I’ve never blocked anyone on wattpad or lost a wink of sleep over a comment.

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

“Life goes on” I can’t remember if that was said by Robert Frost or some other poet but I like it because it signifies that regardless of what crappy thing happens life will continue so we might as well just move on along with it.

What is the first book that made you cry? And Why did it make you cry?

I can’t recall the first book, but I did ball my eyes out when I read ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ a few years ago because even though it romanticized death and illness, it also reflected reality in a sense and that broke me.

Do you wanna throw a shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite reader or author? Any special words for anyone?

Shout out to my friends for constantly hyping me up and telling me that I’ll make it big one day, that motivation is honestly what keeps me going.

What do you have to say about all the hating going around on wattpad? We can see a lot of amazing authors leaving Wattpad because of this. What's your opinion? How do you handle the haters?

There was a lot of hate going on a few months ago, and it’s sad to see authors getting hate when they put their 110% into putting content out to their readers. But Wattpad is a public platform, and with all social media sites you have to take hate into account, the best way to handle haters is to not care there is no point in dignifying a comment with a response. It is always better to focus on your positive comment and the fans who love you instead. Or if you truly want to take matters into account flag the comment or contact a member of the wattpad team instead.

Lastly what changes do you want to see in yourself in 2017?

I want to be more positive, improve my writing and see do a lot of self-growth.

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