@/ LEPalphreyman

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An interview with LEPalphreyman

Requested by Nightlck

Firstly, how are you? How have you been doing?

Hello! I’m very well thank you!

The rapid Fire

When is your Birthday?

31st March

The Best thing in your life—

Writing stories and cuddles with my boyfriend!

What's the only thing you regret the most in your life till this date?

No regrets!

Would you rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

That’s a really tough one to answer! Can I have both?! Ha! My dream is definitely to one day hold a physical copy of one of my books in my hand someday. Seeing Cupid’s Match in a store would be so exciting! But Wattpad has helped me so much, opened opportunities that I otherwise would never have had, and having such awesome readers on here has really motivated me and kept me going. I honestly can’t answer! I don’t know!

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

I am cursed with both of these things sometimes! I’m quite introvert but if something is bugging me I find it hard to keep it inside! I’ll go for always having to say what’s on my mind – I think it would be quite excruciating at first but it could be quite freeing after a while!

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

Oh goodness! I think I’d rather know how – if I knew when I’d find that hard to deal with.


What is the most different quality of your that most of the authors on wattpad don't have?

It’s hard to say without generalising everyone. There’s so much talent on here, I find it so inspiring to be part of such a creative community!

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

Too many ideas!

If you had the chance to publish one of your books which on would it be and why?

I’m aiming to send Cupid’s Match to agents this week! I’ve been editing and re-writing for a while and it’s finally getting into shape! So I’ll say Cupid’s Match for now!

Do you wanna throw a shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite reader or author?

Just to all my lovely readers! You are awesome!

What do you have to say about all the hating going around on wattpad? We can see a lot of amazing authors leaving Wattpad because of this. What's your opinion? How do you handle the haters?

I haven’t seen too much of it to be honest. I suppose I get my fair share of silly comments within my most popular book but it doesn’t really bother me – I just ignore it. People who are horrible online are either doing it for attention or because they’re bitter and I’ve no time for that, I’m busy – I’m trying to be a writer here! If people reading this are getting hate directed at them, remember you can report users.

Do you have any new years resolution?  What changes do you wanna see in yourself in this new year?

My resolutions are all based around writing! I want to write at least 200,000 words this year, read more books, and enter a writing contest.

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