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An amazing interview with glitter_xox

The rapid Fire

When is your Birthday?

My birthday is on 21st Of November.

The best thing in your life?

The best thing in my life?! Well my phone I would say. I can't love without that. Oh and my family and friends obviously.

The only thing you regret the most in your life till this date—

Being too shy to talk to most people. Expecting the worst from them, that's why.

Would you Rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

I would prefer write on wattpad and have millions of readers.

Would you rather know how you are going to die or when you are going to die ?

When I am going to die. So I can do amazing things before that, like sky diving.

The Explanation Segment

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

Amazing. Hard. Funny 

Amazing because of all the love I get from family and friends. It's also hard because of all the hate I have to deal with.
And funny,because there's those moments that just make you cracking up at times.

What's the only quality in you that most of the authors on wattpad most probably don't have?

I can't really say anything, because I don't know what type of qualities people have.
But regarding books, I would say I have the quality to actually finish my books before starting another one.
I would also say that I like to reply to most comments as soon as possible, when some authors don't. Well the authors I have met.

Best book on wattpad till this date and why is it your favourite?

Best book.... wow that's hard to choose.
I would say recently, I have loved Hate Line by officialfuryevans I have enjoyed other books before that, but hate line is just so perfect.

It's a not happy ending always. That's what I liked about it the most  it's realistic.

Very true indeed. Thank you so much. We are at the end. Do you wanna give a shoutout to anyone? Any words for anyone special? Friends? Haters? Favourite Authors?

You're welcome.

I would like to give a shoutout to 3 people if that's okay.   SarahattheDisco168 officialfuryevans SissyStuff
These people are really amazing. Through all the haters they are still standing, and that's what makes you all so strong.

Haters. Two words. Fuck off.

Favourite authors are those up there.

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