@/ flawed-

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An interview with the amazing  flawed-

Firstly, how are you? How have you been doing? How has life been treating you lately?

I'm good, babe. Life has been a bit rocky lately because of current events and the state my country is in but all in all, I think 2017 will be a good year. My books are doing well, my followers are amazing, and my art portfolio is coming along.

The rapid fire

When is your Birthday?

August 20th

What's the best thing in your life?

My family, although we don't always see eye to eye, they always have my back.

What's the only thing you regret the most in your life till this date?

Once in the seventh grade, there was this amazing boy named Clay and... we were best friends but I kinda really liked his friend and not him. Like, don't get me wrong, Clay was an amazing guy but I guess I was stupid. He asked me out and I said something really hurtful instead of saying I liked his friend... because I didn't want to hurt him but that kind of backfired. I moved since and I could never get back in touch with him. That has to be my biggest regret because although we probably wouldn't "fall in love" like many middle schoolers would think when it came to dating, we could've still been friends and friends for a lifetime.

Wow, that was a lot.

would you rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

I think I'd enjoy wattpad for a while. I'm still riding the wave of almost 15k amazing babes and I can't wait to see where this takes me. Publishing is quite scary, you never know if you'll hit the mark or miss it for a best seller and who knows? Maybe I'll publish one day, maybe I'll further into my art career but I'm so grateful to have gotten this far in the first place.

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

Always say everything on my mind. My two favorite quotes just so happen to be:
"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."
"If you are silent in times of oppression, you've chosen the side of the oppressor."
It applies to everyday life, me being an activist and an artist.

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

When I'm going to die, there's always making use of the time I have and maybe it'll encourage me to carpe diem (seize the day.)

The Explanation Segment

What is the most different quality of your that most of the authors on wattpad don't have?

I think I'm realistic, you know? I do my research and I always try to place some of my own experiences into my works. I know that we don't always get a happy ending but I also know that happiness resides within you.

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

More you know. I pick these because ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is important as well. I feel as if that's why the most knowledgeable and intelligent people are also the most sad. They know too much according to themselves but it's also a really good thing because knowing, to me, is really the best thing that you can have.

What is the first book that made you cry? And Why did it make cry?

The first tangible book that made me cry had to be Sanctum by Sarah Fine, it has to do with this girl's best friend dying and her going through literal hell to get her back. I think about the people in my life when I read it. Reminds me to cherish them and to look out for them no matter what.

Do you wanna throw a shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite reader or author? Any special words for anyone?

Yes, I would love to. I wanna shoutout three amazing people who have made my stay here on wattpad (this account and the last) sarena_a (who has by far the most depth and has been an icon of mine) floatinganchors (mack, who is the funniest girl I know on wattpad and she gets me out of a funk. I just wish she'd believe in her writing more) TheTealArtist (my sister, my soulmate, whatever you call it. We used to write together and trust me, she's phenomenal. She hasn't published on her account but we do have a joint account possibly coming out soon so stay tuned.)

What do you have to say about all the hating going around on wattpad? We can see a lot of amazing authors leaving Wattpad because of this. What's your opinion? How do you handle the haters?

Hating is bound to happen when you're doing something you love, there's always going to be someone who wants to derail you or invalidate your success. In a way, it's preparing you for when you do publish, if you do. Writers, artists as a whole, are subject to criticism from the public and I'd say I'm lucky in this catagory as I don't get much hate. I haven't gotten very good at ignoring the hate that I do get, as you might see I often clapback with a response, but it doesn't plague me. I come back and then I let it go but I'm working on it.

I think it's that I often associate my readers as my friends, my loves, my babes and when someone comes for me, I forget that I'm supposed to be a "role model" because that's just it, I don't want to get to the level where people idolize me and think I do no wrong. Trust me, I do a lot of things wrong and it's weird to have to explain myself to 15,000+ people (not including readers who haven't followed me) Don't take me for an example in this category because I'm human and I'm still growing.

Lastly what changes do you want to see in yourself in 2017?

I want to grow as a writer and as a person. And I definitely want to update more.

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