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The most honest interview I have had so far with savvyinpink  It was an wonderful experience. Thank you so much.

The Rapid Fire

When is your Birthday?

25/ 10/ 99

The Best thing in your life—


What's the only thing you regret the most in your life till this date?

That I've never tried to involve myself more in school and it's now my last year and I don't have time to do any more activities anymore :(

would you rather

Would you rather have your book published but now have as much readers as your expected or write on wattpad and have millions of readers?

I rather have my book published. Because it seems like someone distinguished have considered my work worthy of publications. I don't want to write for millions of readers because fame isn't what i'm looking for.

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never be able to speak again?

I'd rather never speak again.

Would you rather know when you are going to die or know how you are going to die?

How I'm gonna die.

The Explanation Segment

If you were given a chance to publish one of your book which one would it be and why?

The Girl Who Saw Through Jem. Mostly because that book is probably one of the most well-written pieces I've done in my writing career and that the book holds so much philosophical weight to me. It's such a meaningful book and I really love the messages it sends out to people.

What is the most different quality of your that most of the authors on wattpad don't have?

Taking cliches and putting them in a more realistic light? Idk man, I think I'm quite the same.

If you have to describe life in three words what would it be and why?

'What is this'
Because I literally have no idea what's going on.

Do you wanna throw a shoutout to anyone special? Any friends? Haters? Favourite reader or author?

hepburned because she talks to me almost everyday and speaks to me not to ask for reads or shoutouts but because she genuinely wants to talk to me, which is nice.

What do you have to say about all the hating going around on wattpad? We can see a lot of amazing authors leaving Wattpad because of this. What's your opinion? How do you personally handle the haters?

To be honest, whenever you put yourself out there, on any internet platform- social media, et cetera, there is going to be hate. There is going to be someone who doesn't agree with you. Haters are like the little hurdles you've got to cross. They're just people who are usually jealous or envious and they hate the success you've gotten. If people are dedicating hate accounts or hate books to you, ignore it because they obviously have no life other than hating you, which is REALLY sad. Don't leave Wattpad because of a bully, call them out and make them realise that you don't care about what they say. As long as you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters.

Last but not the least are you on Santa's naughty list or nice list this year?

I was never on his nice list so definitely NAUGHTY.

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