"You smell delicious. It's like roses and strawberry." that's probably my body wash, I want to sarcastically note, but I decide to let it go. "I was going to use this as your gag, but I want these panties to be mine. So thanks for your gift." He stuffs my panties into a tiny ball before putting it in his pocket. "So what can I use as a gag?" he walks behind me and stops for a second there. I can feel his eyes on me.

Then there is a sound of a cap being opened. The cool sense of the marker he earlier held in his hand- touches my skin as he writes on me, on my behind, on my ass. He moves the marker with a few strokes and then takes it away.

"MINE," he groans as the sound of the cap of marker clicks. "You are mine," he whispers, stroking his forefinger over the letters he had written on me. 'MI' on one butt and "NE" on the other.

"You have a creative punishment for such a short notice, sir," I giggle.

"What can I say? I own it all to you," Then he moves toward me, "then this would be your gag," he lifts up the black marker in his hand,"

"I trust you didn't use a permanent marker?" I lift an eyebrow.

"We'll see about that when we get to shower," He replies.

"Andrew," I glare at him, "I swear if it's permant-"

"No, it's not. I know better not to mark your skin permanently, although it may sound pleasing to me." he brushes his knuckles over my cheeks. "Now open your smart mouth," he orders me. Opening for him, he puts the marker vertically in my mouth. "Don't let go of this marker." I close my mouth on it. The marker is foreign and seems too big, but strangely as an innocent subject, it fits well as a gag and the fact that Andrew is creative enough to come up with a gag turns me on. "Now, back to that punishment," he steps away and out of my sight. I start breathing rapidly, excitement already in my body.

A hand brushes over my back and then the same hand follows its path to my backside. I wiggle a bit, although I know Andrew has restrictedly ordered me not to. A loud and swift blow lands right on my butt, jabbing me forward and catching me off guard. I suck in a sharp gasp, smirking under the layer of hair falling around me like a curtain.

"What are the instructions, Laura?" He says. His voice is dominant and dark. From the times before, when the contract was a barrier between us, I used to hear this voice. But now, knowing that Andrew has feelings or me, knowing he wouldn't hurt me, I start liking this side of him.

I want to talk, telling him that I will obey him, but then I remember the marker in my mouth, which is making it harder for me to swallow my saliva. Then I realize it's a test. He wants me to talk so he has a reason to punish me more. At that moment, a wave of uneasiness hits me, like any other time. Do I want him to? What if I fail him proving that I'm not worthy of his trust in me?

I should hate this side of me; I should resent this punishment and a part of does. I shouldn't allow him to treat me like this. If he wants a normal relationship, then he should start a normal relationship with me, one that he would only make love to me, sweet and slow. But then there is a desire in me that I would like to try it. I know deep inside, I'm no saint, nor am I coy when it comes down to Andrew's world, well, at least not as innocent as I may look. But trying that stuff, especially since this is my first time after my vulnerability and the worst experience a girl could ever have.

"Laura?" Andrew's voice snaps me out of my thought after he realized I've been motionless and silent for a long time, "What happened? Are you ok?" His voice is concerned and sweet as ever. It kinda makes me stop thinking. This man is all I need with all the things he's willing to give me.

To be honest, despite the fight inside me and despite all the pulls from each side, I'm finding a balance and so is he. Were it in any situation, I doubt he would bind to my likely or me bending to his. But here we are taking on a balance. This is what a relationship is like. Smiling at Andrew, actually trying to smile, since the marker is in my mouth and water is dripping slowly, I manage to assure Andrew everything is fine.

Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now